Broken Trust and the Big Bust

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Beep. Beep. Beep.

Squinting, I slowly opened one eye, and then the other. Morning had come too soon, it seemed. Indeed, I wanted nothing more than to go back to sleep, and continue the wonderful dream I'd been having. Reed had been holding me, his voice low and soothing as he told me of a story...our story.

Bolting upright, I could feel panic began to overpower any other rational thoughts as I stumbled forward for the light, flipping the switch. It hadn't been a dream at all. Reed had been here in my bedroom last night, which meant it would already be too later for him to leave without my parents realizing he'd been here-

Letting out a slight sigh as I turned the light on and found my bed barren, I felt only relief as my eyes drifted to a carefully folded note on my dresser. Walking over and unfolding it, I recognized Reed's messy handwriting immediately, a small smile spreading across my face at the way he had so neatly written my name on the front of the note.

Morning Liz. Hope you had sweet dreams. Sorry I had to leave early. I wanted to be there when you woke up, but I figured I'd better leave before your parents woke up and found me in your bed. I know you and your pops are on thin ice, so I don't wanna make things worse.

I'll wait for you by your locker. Text me if you need a ride to school. I know your parents normally take you on their way to work, but with you guys just having had a fight and all, I wasn't sure.

Oh, and one more thing. Look up.

Looking up, I stared into the bedroom mirror hanging above my dresser, puzzled by Reed's request as I looked back at my own reflection. Averting my gaze back down at the note, I continued to read.

Smiling yet? No? That's weird, 'cause waking up and seeing your face first thing in the morning sure had me grinning like a fucking idiot.

Shaking my head, I couldn't stop a wide smile from spreading across my face as I re-read the last few lines of Reed's note to myself. Perhaps seeing my own reflection hadn't exactly brought a smile to my face, but Reed's letter seemed to be doing the job just fine.

I know. I'm lame. What can I say? I guess Kristen was right. I really do turn into a pathetic little punk bitch when I'm around you.

Carefully refolding Reed's note, I placed the folded piece of paper back in my pocket. Twenty minutes later, I had dressed and carried out my normal morning routine, heading downstairs to see if I would in fact need a ride from Reed. Walking into the kitchen, it was obvious that the tension from last night had not dissipated as my parents regarded me with icy indifference, refusing to acknowledge my presence first.

"Hello." I said, clearing my throat.

My mother afforded me a curt nod, my father resting his eyes on me for split second before letting out a heavy sigh and setting down the newspaper he'd been reading.

"Good morning, Elizabeth. I trust that you slept well. Your mother and I have discussed what we feel the necessary consequences to your actions are in great detail. We feel that this boy, Reed, is perhaps the cause of your disobedience."


"Do not interrupt me Elizabeth." My father said, anger ebbing into his voice."We raised you to conduct yourself with manners. Now use them. As I was saying, this boy Reed, we believe he is having a negative influence on you, perhaps causing you to act out. And, though we instructed you not to hang around with him, we happen to know that you are still making a habit of doing exactly that. So, we have decided that, since you have apparently chosen to act out and behave like a child, we will treat you as such. We have hired someone to ensure you are behaving yourself at school as well as in our absence, Elizabeth-"

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