Parking Lot Confessions

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Shifting nervously from one foot to another outside of the coffee house, I tried to distract myself from the butterflies in my stomach as Kristen and I waited for Reed and the rest of the band to finish up backstage and come out front to meet us. I was still experiencing mild side effects from the adrenaline rush Reed had given me earlier when he'd asked me out in front of everyone, my hands shaking slightly as I pulled at the shirt Kristen had insisted I wear, making a futile attempt to stretch the fabric out into perhaps a less form fitting piece of clothing.

"Where you aware that Reed was planning on asking me out in front of everyone tonight?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at Kristen slightly.

"No. Fuck no. Are you kidding me? Like Reed would really tell me. Naw, he knew I'd be around you at some point tonight before the concert, so he wouldn't have risked having me blab to you. I still can't believe he did that though. The little shit just turns into such a freakin' lovesick pussy every time you're around-"

Kristen's voice cut off as Reed and the rest of the band pushed their way through the front door of the coffee house, the boys pushing each other around playfully, obviously still elated by how well the crowd had responded to their performance.

They stopped, though, the mood turning from strictly playful to teasing as they spotted Kristen and I waiting nearby, Hayven gesturing towards me with his hand.

"We'd better hurry up, Reed. We wouldn't want to keep your girl waiting."

Reed flipped Hayven off, flushing slightly. "Oh shut the fuck up, Hayven. You don't hear me bitching about your love life and all the cheap hoes you fuck every night."

Hayven raised his hands up in a gesture of innocence, the devilish smile still on his face though.

"Hey, I've gotta give you props. I've really never thought much of your little girlfriend before, but fuck, tonight now that she's all done up and shit, she really does look fuckable-"

An appalled look spread across my face as I took in Hayyven's words. Before I could react, though, the mood turned from playful teasing to hostile as Reed lunged at Hayven, Kristen and one of the other band members holding him back as he tried to get at him.

"Shut your fucking mouth, Hayven! Don't you dare fucking talk about Liz like that, like she's just like all the other dirty whores you fuck!"

"Cool it, Reed." Kristen said, struggling to hold him back as he glared at Hayven, who appeared rather unfazed by his outburst. "Your already in trouble with the law, remember? We don't need to add on to that nice little rapsheet of yours. Besides, you know it's just Hayven being Hayven. He didn't mean any harm by it, he was just being his usual dumbass self."

Struggling a few more seconds, Reed finally eased up, his posture still hostile as he faced Hayven.

"Fine, whatever, but he's gotta apologize."

Hayven rolled his eyes as Kristen pegged him with a harsh look, prodding him on.

"Apologize, Hayven." She demanded.

Hayven regarded her and Reed with a defiant stare.

"Why the fuck should I apologize, I didn't even do shit-"

"Just do it." Kristen snapped, obviously done playing her little peacekeeper role.

Hayven let out a bored sigh, turning towards Reed. "Fine, whatever, I'm sorry-"

"Not to me you dumb fucker." Reed snapped, gesturing in my direction. "To Liz."

"Oh my god, are you fucking serious?" Hayven groaned, receiving another harsh glare from Kristen. "Fine, whatever. I'm sorry Liz."

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