Be a Good Little Girl

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Letting out a heavy sigh, I slowly allowed my arms to fall away from Reed, forcing my body up off of the back of his motorcycle and turning towards my house.

This was it. The moment I had been dreading all day had finally come.

The school day had passed quickly, much to my dismay. One moment I had been sitting in math class with Reed, and the next he was giving me a ride home on his motorcycle. I'd spent the ride home contemplating what to say to my parents, whether to concoct some elaborate excuse for my absence or simply tell them the truth. Standing in front of my house now, it seemed, I still had not yet come to a decision as to what I would say to them.

Sliding off of his motorcycle, Reed came to stand in front of me, taking my hands in his own and flashing me a comforting smile.

" Hey, Liz. You alright?"

I nodded, letting out a shaky breath as I glanced over his shoulder towards my house once more.

"Yes. I'm fine. I'm just not sure how my parents are going to react to all this. I've never done something like this before, you know."

Reed chuckled, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Naw, see, I thought you were the type of girl that did shit like this all the time. You know, totally badass and rebellious."

I rolled my eyes, but couldn't stop a smile from spreading across my face. Reed always did seem to know how to cheer me up during moments like this.

"Listen, Liz, I can come in with you if you want. I mean I know your parents think I'm lower than dirt, but as far as moral support goes-"

I flushed, shaking my head furiously. "No, Reed. They just don't know you-"

"Liz, it's alright. Really. You think I'm not tough enough to take a few insults? C'mon now. And here I thought I'd made a good impression and shit." Reed's crooked smile seemed to be contagious, a small laugh escaping my lips despite my best efforts. "Seriously, though, Liz. You want me to come in with you? I mean, you parents, they aren't like my father, where they'll go and do some stupid shit, are they?"

"Oh no." I replied hurriedly, instantly feeling guilty for any fear I might be feeling. Whatever Reed was going to have to come home to had to be ten times worse than whatever was awaiting me. "They're just...rather strict. Nothing serious."

"You sure, 'cause I swear Liz, if I see even one little scratch on you tomorrow-"

"I'm sure." I cut him off, flushing slightly at the protectiveness in his voice. "What about you? I mean, with your father being the way he is Reed..."

Reed shrugged, his nonchalant attitude regarding the topic putting me on edge. "Eh, it's no biggie. The cops probably came last night, so I'm sure he'll be over it by now."

I swallowed hard, worry drawing my features taunt.

"Do you maybe want me to ask my parents if you can stay the night here?"

Alright, so perhaps the very notion of such a thing was laughable at best, but I couldn't simply stand by knowing full well what would probably await Reed once he returned home

Reed's features softened, a small smile spreading across his face. "God Liz..."

"What?" I asked, sincerely puzzled by his response.

"It's're just so fucking sweet. It's like, you're in deep shit with your parents and instead of worrying about yourself you're thinking about me. You have enough to worry about already. You don't need to add me into the mix. I'll be fine. Really."

"But Reed-"

"Shhh." Reed murmured, squeezing my hands reassuringly. "Listen. You want to do something for me? Then promise me you'll call me if things get out of hand with your parents. No joke Liz. I don't care what time it is. Call me, even if things go well, just to let me know you're alright."

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