War By Chocolate

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"Liz, you sure you don't want me to come in?"

I shook my head, glancing over at Reed's arm. Kristen and I had done the best to treat his wound, disinfecting it and bandaging it up after removing the glass. We weren't trained nurses, however, and I feared our limited experience hadn't been enough to give him the proper treatment such a cut required. I'd attempted to convince him to go to the hospital or at least seek medical assistance, but Reed had assured me that his wound wasn't serious enough to warrant such attention.

He was in no state to come in and face off against my father, especially when he'd just done so with his own. I knew, Reed being the gentleman that he was, he would be more than willing to place himself in such a situation in order to protect me, even injured as he was. This was, however, my burden to bear, not his. Reed already had more than enough on his plate. Besides, as upset as my father was sure to be, I knew without a doubt that Reed's father was much worse.

"No, I'm fine." I said, affording him a reassuring smile. "Besides, I'm only a couple of hours late. My father shouldn't be overly upset, at least not to the extent that he was before."

A look of unease spread across Reed's face, his jaw flexing slightly. Shifting in his seat, I could see his whole body tense up, as if remembering the events that had transpired the night before.

"You sure you don't' want Kristen and I to wait around the block or something, just till we're sure you're alright?"

"It's not like we've got anywhere better to be." Kristen chimed in. "That is, unless we decide to pay your neighbor a little visit. You know what they say, paybacks a bitch."

My eyes momentarily drifted over to Quinn's house as I contemplated what they might have planned for him. I felt an ebbing disappointment spread through me at the knowledge that I would not be a part of it.

"No. I'll be fine. Really."

"You promise?"

I nodded, wishing I wasn't the reason for the worry in Reed's eyes.

"I promise." I said, forcing myself to move out of Kristen's car and up the walkway. Hesitating slightly, I pushed open the front door, closing it carefully behind me. I hoped whatever lecture was to come with my parents wouldn't last too terribly long. After what had transpired with Reed's father, I wanted nothing more than to take a long, hot shower till I was sure I had erased every trace of the man's DNA from my skin.

Easing onto my tiptoes, I attempted to make my way up the stairs without notice, only to be caught red handed half way up.


Biting down on my lip, I slowly turned around, meeting my mother's gaze.

A pang of guilt pulsed through me as I registered the look on her face. There was no anger, as I'd initially expected, only sorrow. I rarely ever saw my mother genuinely sad, especially concerning me. I'd come to expect one of three emotions out of her: quiet approval, indifferent acknowledgement, or muted disappointment.

"I saw you, through the window. I saw you with those....those people."

"Mother, they're my friends-"

"Please, Elizabeth." My mother said, the tone of her voice implying that the very thought made her sick.

Swallowing hard, I decided it would be best to keep quiet. Arguing would only prolong whatever it was she planned to say to me.

"Elizabeth..." My mother whispered, her voice shaking slightly. "I feel like I don't know you anymore....like I don't even know my own daughter. Who is this girl, this person who stays out all hours of the night and resorts to violence to get her way?"

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