Dinner with the Parents

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I glanced out my living room window for the umpteenth time this night, smoothing out the creases in my dress. It was still ten minutes before Reed was due to arrive, but I hadn't been able to bring myself to sit still more than a few minutes this whole afternoon. I knew I had no reason to be nervous, that Reed would only behave himself like a perfect gentleman tonight, but I couldn't help it.

"For heaven sakes, Elizabeth, stop fidgeting. Such a habit is very unbecoming of a young lady." My mother chided, pursing her lips at me.

Indeed, it was not Reed I was worried about, more so my parents.

They had insisted that we dress up, claiming the dinner was to be a formal event. I, however, feared that they'd only done so in an attempt to make Reed feel uncomfortable, and make the fact that we were of upper class and he was not glaringly obvious.

At first, I had assumed that my mother's agreement to allow this dinner to transpire had been an act of kindness on her part. However, as the day had gone on, I had begun to fear that this was not the peace offering I had assumed it to be, but in fact a set up. They seemed so assured that the dinner would be a disaster, so presumptuous as they exchanged knowing glances with one another.

Very well. Let them think what they want. They would not be so smug once Reed arrived, and they realized how very wrong they'd been about him.

Ding Dong.

Bolting up from my seat by the window, I quickly made my way to the door, beating my parents to it and pulling the door open.

Oh my.

I found myself speechless as Reed looked up at me, flashing me a charming smile. He'd removed all of his piercings and combed his hair back so that it no longer covered his face. Instead of his usual t-shirt and skinny jeans, he was dressed in a tux, one that looked as if it had been personally tailored to fit him. He looked as if he could have come from any respectable upper class family, his appearance not at all what I was used to yet impossibly handsome all the same.

Vaguely, I realized Reed had something in his hand that he was extending to me. Flushing, I forced my gaze away from Reed's face to the bouquet of flowers in his hand.

"For you." Reed said, his eyes appraising me as mine had him. "Liz, you look...breathtaking-"


Reed and I both jolted slightly, our moment interrupted as my father's voice sounded from behind me.

Moving to the side, I watched carefully as my father stepped forward, a subtle frown tugging at the corners of his lips as his eyes ran across Reed. He was disappointed, no doubt ,that Reed had not shown up in his usual apparel and given him a reason to disapprove of him right off the bat.

Clearing his throat, Reed extended his hand, affording my father a polite smile.

"Hi. I'm Reed. You must be Liz's father."

My father nodded, hesitantly shaking Reed's hand as if it pained him to do so.

"Yes. I am. " he replied curtly, stepping back and allowing Reed inside.

"Ah, hello...again." My mother said, her voice stiff as she regarded Reed. "You and I have met before, I believe, though the last time you looked quite....different." Distaste filled her last words, an unpleasant look spreading across her face as if she'd tasted something she didn't like.

"Yeah, I figured I should probably dress up, seeing as you were all nice enough to invite me over and sh- stuff. Thanks, for having me over and all." Reed said, catching himself before he cussed. I almost beamed at Reed, knowing that cussing came second nature to him, much as breathing did. He was making a sincere attempt, doing everything in his power to behave like a perfect gentleman around them.

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