Chapter 3 • Connecting Trust

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Hiroyuki Kazuki.

An official member of The Hidden Leaf.

Today, Hiroyuki was feeling a little giddy.

'What to do..' He thought as he walked through The Hidden Leaf.

As he walked by, he saw a familiar hedgehog in the library.

"Hedgehogs shouldn't be snooping around the library." Hiroyuki joked as he walked inside getting closer to the man.

"Hm?" Kakashi looked up from his book. "Ahh, hello Hiroyuki."

"Hello Hatake-san."

Hiroyuki figured since he was 20, it would be better to hang out with people his age, as to not look suspicious, that is; and Kakashi was 27.

"Please, please, call me Kakashi." He said as he put his book away.

"Okay, Jiji." Hiroyuki had to hold in his laugh at Kakashi's face.

"Just because I have gray hair doesn't mean I'm old." He said as he fake pouted behind that mask of his.

"Yeah, yeah. So, I was thinking, wanna hang out? I have nothing better to do." Hiroyuki said.

Kakashi had a faint blush on his face.

'Why hang out with me..?' He thought.

"S-sure. If you'd like I'll give you a tour." Kakashi said, checking out his Icha Icha.

"Sounds great! Thanks!"

Hiroyuki gave him a huge pat on his back making Kakashi stumble.


"And as you know, this is the Hokage's Tower." Kakashi said pointing.

"Cool!" Hiroyuki faked amazement.

He lived here, he knows the village by heart. Maybe this wasn't as easy as he thought; he was pretty bored.

"So, can we try that ramen place, uh.. I think it was called Ichiraku's?" Hiroyuki asked Kakashi.

"Ichiraku's, eh? You got a thing for ramen?" Kakashi asked waving his hands, telling Hiroyuki to follow him.

"Yeah sorta.." Hiroyuki chuckled.

The walk wasn't long, as Kakashi pushed the curtain open.

"Hello, customers!" Teuchi welcomed.

'Teuchi..' Hiroyuki thought.

He wanted to jump the man in the greatest hug yet.

Madara's little trick killed everyone in the village in the midst of the war.

'If only, I didn't waste time.. if only I killed him right away..'

"Hiroyuki? You alright there..?" Kakashi asked.

Hiroyuki started shaking.

His thoughts were becoming too overwhelming, and he couldn't take it.

"Kit, you've been through ten times worse pain than this. Everyone hated on you for something that wasn't even your fault. Yet you survived. Don't tell me you can't take the pain a second time?"

Hiroyuki stopped shaking.

'Your right.. Thanks Kurama.'

Hiroyuki went back to his normal brave/determined face.

"I'm fine." He informed his companion.

Kakashi nodded.

"One miso, and a ramen special!" Kakashi said.

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