Chapter 7 • Connecting Trust

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'Mellow, huh?' Hiroyuki thought, smiling.

He walked past the library from yesterday, it still being busy.

'Oh yeah, I almost forgot.' He thought, walking into the library.

"Come get your autographs!" He said.

Everyone who had already bought a book ran towards him.

"Line up!"

He sat down in a chair, behind the table.

"Hiroyuki, you're a star, don't sit in a chair you amateur." Kurama said.

Hiroyuki sweat dropped as he got up.

He sat down onto a table, making himself look cool.

The girls squealed.

He winked.

'Oop- she passed out..' Hiroyuki cringed.

He was never a lady's man like Sasuke. He wanted to enjoy this, of course he wouldn't lead them on like this forever though.

"Me first!" A child said, walking up to him with his mother.

"He aspires to be like you, you're a hero to him." She said, blushing.

"Why is she blushing for you if she has a child which means-"

'Goodness, Kurama. Don't make me imagine that.' He laughed.

"I appreciate it. Just work hard, okay!? Anyone can be like me!" Hiroyuki inspired.

"Woah!" The boy said, stars in his eyes. "I will, I promise!"

He took out a poster of the redhead.

"Can you please sign here?"

Hiroyuki smiled, taking out a pen,

"Of course." He said.

That went on for the rest of the evening.

It wasn't the funnest thing he'd ever done, but it sure made him happy.

"Have a good day! Remember, one sign from a redhead, and you won't have cockroaches in your bed!"

He cringed at his own slogan, Kurama cringing with him.

"Nice slogan."

Hiroyuki smiled, giving Team 7 the grin they love most.

"Oh come on, Sasuke, I know with a poor apartment like yours, you definitely need an autograph- AH!"

Naruto dodged the flying books coming towards his head.

"Don't say that to Sasuke-kun, CHA!" Sakura screamed throwing more books.

Sasuke smirked.

He knew he loved that blonde and pinkette, but he had other things to focus on.

"Stop, Sakura." He said grabbing a book that was about to hit Naruto's face before he could dodge.

"Grrr, Sasuke!" Naruto screamed.

An angry employee came up to them, stapling a 'Shhhh!' sign to the wall.

Everyone sweat dropped as she walked away.

"Look let's just do what we came here to do." Kakashi sighed. "We wanted to hang out with you, Hiroyuki."

Kakashi was a bit irritated at his 1 little rooster that wouldn't shut up.

He had planned to hang out with Hiroyuki alone; but Naruto begged Kakashi to take Team 7 with him.

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