Chapter 12 • Departure

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"A-apologize to Lord Danzo!" A scared Anbu told Kakashi.

He looked boringly at the Anbu in front of him.

Danzo sat there in a hospital chair, furiously.

"Now!" Danzo said. "Or else!"

Kakashi didn't flinch; he wasn't ever scared of Danzo, especially not now.

"Apologize!" An Anbu said boldly.

When Kakashi looked at him he tensed.

"I'msorry,IswearIdidn'tmeanit,youdon'thavetoapologizeifyoudon'twantto!" He stuttered.

"Do it now!" Danzo said.

He could scold the Anbu later, all he wanted now was a respectful apology.

"Okay," Kakashi said. "I apologize for your ugliness, trust me if I were you, I wouldn't be able to take it either honey." He spat reading his book.

"He ain't lyin'." A Head Anbu said eating grapes, getting a harsh glare from Danzo.

Hiroyuki who was right by Kakashi couldn't hold in his 'Ohhhhhhhhhhh!' neither could the Anbu and Kurama.

Kakashi was too focused on the anger for Danzo to notice this though.

Hiroyuki's stomach grumbled.

"Are you hungry?" Kakashi asked kindly, snapping his head to his best friend.


"Let's get ramen."


Hiroyuki grabbed his hand, pulling him to Ichiraku.

Kakashi just couldn't focus on his book.

He loved Hiroyuki.

Did he love him more than a friend?

He didn't know yet.

Either way, Kakashi didn't care.

As long as he and Hiroyuki could stay side by side, the world was at peace for him.

He wasn't the only one who felt that way.

Everyone in the village loved Hiroyuki, he's amazing.

Kakashi smiled, happily in content with his life.


Team 7, of course, without Sasuke, sat down along with Hiroyuki.

As they chatted and laughed, they couldn't help but feel a bit incomplete.

The silence that was among them felt, abnormal.

"Sometimes, I have dreams that Sasuke was my boyfriend!" Naruto randomly blurted out.

Sakura gasped.

"Finally, someone started it!" She said. "Sometimes, I wonder what it would be like if Sasuke was in love with me, but Ino was his sidechick!"

Hiroyuki and Kakashi gasped.

"Sometimes, I think about how it would feel if Kakashi/Hiroyuki and I were dating or married!" They said at the same time.

It was silent for a second until they all started bursting out laughing.

"You know, what would Sasuke say if he were here?" Naruto thought out loud.

"'Hn..'." Sakura said, mimicking Sasuke making everyone laugh.

"Wouldn't be cool if we could all hang out someday in the future, and just reminisce old memories like this?"

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