Chapter 10 • The Hebi

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Kakashi and Hiroyuki followed Pakkun, looking for Naruto.

It's was raining, dark and cold.

As they saw a body laying on the ground, they realized it was Naruto.

He looked dead.

The two Joinins looked sorrowfully at him.

They picked Naruto up, putting him on Kakashi's back, and jumped away into the trees.


'He's really gone..' Naruto thought.

He balled his fists.

He was too weak.

He needed to become stronger.

-Elsewhere Hidden Leaf-

"I want to take him out of the village." Jiraiya told the two.

"How long?" Kakashi asked.

"2 years and a half, if not, an entire 3 years."

He gasped.

"Are you sure about this..?"

"I'm Naruto's God Father, I'm never wrong."

"Right. We leave him in your hands."

"Great! I'll go talk to him!" Jiraiya left.

"Let's go see Tsunade." Hiroyuki suggested.

"Why?" Kakashi asked.

"It's about Itachi Uchiha." He lied.

He hated lying. Especially to Kakashi.

He really just wanted to see one of his favorite old ladies.


They jumped away, going to the Hokage's Office.

"Kakashi, Hiroyuki? What do you need?" She asked.

"It's about Itachi Uchiha. Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto Uzumaki, and Jiraiya had encountered him and Kisame Hoshigaki, his partner, not too long ago."

"I see..we were afraid this would happen." She looked down. "The organization, Akatsuki, Jiraiya told me about it not too long ago."

"Right, and let's not forget, the Hidden Leaf is under construction due to Orochimaru's little scheme as well."

"These are hard times for the Hidden Leaf, as usual.." She said. "Ahem, would you mind handing me that box? It contains, uh..important information, so don't look inside.."

"Sure." Hiroyuki knew exactly what was in the box.

'Good old Tsunade!' He thought as he smelt the sake.

"Hehe.." She whispered with a grin. "Shizune!"

Shizune opened the door.

"Yes milady?" She asked.

"Show them the file room." Tsunade said.

"The file room!? That contains valuable information milady!"

"I know, I know. They're Jounins, let them snoop around there. Make sure it's just them in there though."

"Okay, whatever you say milady.." Shizune said. "Please, follow me."

Shizune escorted them to the file room, opening the door.

"Whatever information you find must stay in this room, okay? It holds information nobody must know about." With that, she gave the keys to Hiroyuki. "Don't forget to lock the door on your way out. I have to go. Nice meeting you."

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