Chapter 20 • Enemy Alliance

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"I just want to talk." Hiroyuki said calmly to the man in front of him.

"More like kill me...! Back away!" Madara said.

"No! I need to know. First off, who were going to replace with Obito!?"

"That's none of your business!-"

Hiroyuki cut him off.

"Oh, quit the crap! I know what you're planning!"

"Hehehehehehe!.. With these eyes, I can control other's life itself!"

"It's Sasuke, isn't it..!"

"Why of course it is!"

"Zetsu's going to betray you. Stop trusting him."

"Soon, Sasuke will be mines!- What?!"

"Join me. I'm forming an alliance. The same way I got Obito to join me."

"Even if I joined your little weak team, Obito would never."

"I can talk him out of it."

".... That bastard!.. He really was going to betray me!"

"Yeah, so join me."

"Stop asking! I'll join."

"Great!" Hiroyuki clapped. "You're a part of our little "weak" team now! You can't let Zetsu know, so for now, just run away; and keep up the little, "I'm going to destroy the world" act. Got it?"

"Fine. Now, shoo!"

"No, you'll have to be the one to shoo! I can't just run away from you, It'd be suspicious."


Madara ran away, and Hiroyuki went back to the others.

"Yooo!" He said.

"Are you insane!?" Kakashi said. "Jeez, I want to smack you so hard right now, but I wanna keep our friendship!.."

"Calm down!"

"How can we calm down?!" Naruto said.

"What's going on?" Obito asked.

"Look, I know it's confusing, but trust me! Everything will be okay!"


"Madara joined our side." He whispered.



"Idiot.." Kakashi whispered as he kicked a pebble.

Everyone sighed.

"Oh, quit the mood!" Hiroyuki said. "This is good, this is good! It means we won't die!"

"We're here." Obito said.

They looked at the gate of the Hidden Leaf.

"Let's go!" Hiroyuki ran.



"What's the meaning of life?" Kakashi asked curiously.

"W h a t?" Hiroyuki asked.

"How much longer until we get up these steps!?" Naruto asked.

"Well.." Hiroyuki said, "this is only step number 128."

"Kill me."


"Finally!" Naruto said as they made it to the Hokage's door. "Knock knock!" Naruto said.

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