Chapter 4 • Connecting Trust

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That Hiroyuki Kazuki was a weird one for sure.

'To be able to use so many jutsu's..' The Hokage thought, taking a smoke on top of the Hokage's Tower.

'Who is he exactly?'

-Elsewhere ▫ Hidden Leaf ▫-

"Okay, okay!" Naruto said. "I still don't get it!"

"Naruto you have to have the same affinity. Stop asking." Kakashi said.

"But like! Come on, Kakashi Sensei! It'd be a waste to teach it to Sasuke, he's weak; unlike me! I'm really strong!"

On the other hand, Kakashi stopped listening as he saw one of his favorite people heading their way.

"Hiroyuki.." Kakashi whispered.

"Ew, do you have a crush on him or something? KaKaShI sEnSeIs GaY!" Naruto screamed.

"SHUT UP, I'M NOT GAY!" Kakashi argued.

He had to pull up his mask a little to hide the blush.

Hiroyuki panted.

"Hey guys!" He said as he came closer.

Luckily, he didn't hear the short argument.

"H-hello, Hiroyuki.." Kakashi stuttered, which, he mentally slapped himself for.

"Guess who just became a Jounin!"


Hiroyuki only snickered at his younger self.

"You became a Jounin?" Kakashi asked, surprised.

Usually, becoming a Jounin takes years; Hiroyuki did it less than a day.

"Yeah! The Hokage let me!" Hiroyuki said, excited like a little puppy.

Kakashi blushed, 'he's so cute..' he thought.

"Oh, okay, whens your first mission?" Kakashi asked, curious.

"Right now, actually." An Anbu said, appearing next to them.

"OH! OH! CAN I GO! PLEASE! ME! ME! ME! ME-" Naruto begged.

Hiroyuki cringed.

"No, this is only for Jounin." The Anbu said, ignoring the blonde. "Let's go."


"This mission is very important, I trust you two to take care of it?"

"Yes sir." Kakashi and Hiroyuki said in sync.

"Good." The Hokage put down his pipe, becoming serious. "Innocent civilians are being held hostage at the Kari no Dōkutsu. Your job is to bring them back to their village, safely. We don't have information on the people who captured them, or why they did it, so this won't be easy. Just try your best to bring them home."


"Your dismissed."

Hiroyuki and Kakashi left the office, and tower.

"Well when should we get going, Kakashi?" Hiroyuki asked.

"Tomorrow at 7:30, meet me at the gates." He said.



"For once you aren't late. Right on the clock!" Hiroyuki praised.

"Yeah yeah, let's go." Kakashi said as he jumped away in the trees.

The entire time both were quiet.

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