Friday- Benji

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Aaron looked stressed, I could tell from the bags under his eyes. He looked like he was confused like he didn't understand what was happening. I gave him the gift, he seemed annoyed at himself, probably for not giving me anything in return.

It was Friday, it was a date, with Jordans brother's girlfriend's sister's friend, Lilith. I've never had a girlfriend, and I didn't really want one. But here I was waiting at the new Korean Barbeque place, for a girl I hardly knew.

"Are you Benji?" A girl asked. I looked up, she had striking blue eyes, like ice. Her hair was a really bright blonde, almost like it was white.

"Uh, yeah." I said. She sat down and smiled, her teeth were incredibly white.

"You seem quiet, are you an extrovert or introvert?" She asked, her cheerful attitude starting to annoy me.

"I- extrovert." I told her.

"Really? Wow, you seem so chill though." She laughed.

"Uh... thanks, I think." I said confused. She went on to talk about random things that I didn't really care about. But of course I couldn't leave, so I was stuck here listening to Lilith talk about the different kinds of music she liked.

"So what are you into?" She finally asked.

"Oh uh... stars." I told her. She thought for a second before saying something.

"Stars? Like the things in the sky, yeah those always bored me." She laughed. We finished the food, and she talked about the most random things.

I didn't hate her, she seemed like a nice person, and was definitely pretty. But something in the back of my mind was telling me she wasn't the one. So I think you can understand my pain when she said-

"I think we are really hitting it off! Do you want to go on a second date?" I took a step back and smiled.

"I- uh sure!" I said trying to sound excited.

"Really? That's great!" She laughed.

The days grew longer, which was sad, because then the stars were gone for longer. I talked to star boy all the time. And before I knew it, I was standing in front of school.

I looked around, and I saw him. He looked even more tired, and incredibly stressed, so before I could think I was walking towards him.

"Aaron!" I yelled out. He turned around, and smiled, star boy. 

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