Quiet whispers (part 13)

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Willows POV:

It took a while longer to get back home and by the time we did the sun was already dipping below the horizon. Lilly hadn't stirred yet and even though I knew she was probably fine, anxiety over possibly losing her curled around my stomach. Carter scrambled into the house first after handing off Lilly's bag to Alex, his hand placed loosely over his bandages up side. There was a loud crash and different yells from other pack members about his wound before I saw my dad sigh loudly and grab Carter to bring him to the many cars the pack owned so he could go to the hospital. He didn't even glance over at Alex and I, and he certainly didn't show any worry to Lilly, who was bunched up and still bloody in my arms.

"Back door?" Alex asked, casting a worried look at Lilly.

I sighed and nodded, pushing Lilly even closer to my body to make extra sure she wouldn't get hurt. Alex and I both hurried over to the back door, which entered into the kitchen, but also allowed you to find almost a perfectly straight shot down into the basement. I tried my hardest not to bounce down the stairs, still terrified that Lilly would break. Alex followed closely behind me and I sighed in relief when we made it to Lilly's room with no troubles.

"Could you open that up for me? Even though she weighs like fifty pounds I really don't want to risk dropping her." I mumbled, heat brushing my cheeks once again.

Alex laughed at my worries but opened up the door where we both walked inside of the room. Her bed was pressed up against a corner and a few plushies were strewn around the bed, an especially tattered rabbit was laying right next to her flat pillow. A small couch was pushed against the wall on the other side of the room, a few loose pillows dropped on the sides. Her bathroom was connected to her room, a thing Jason made sure she had so she wouldn't mingle with the other pack members often. A couple shirts were tossed randomly about her room and a dirty towel was bunched up in a corner. It was... weird to say the least, to realize that Lilly really was her own person and that she lived down here. I walked over to her bed and slid her out of my arms so she was lying comfortably.

"You're her mate, right?" I stiffened at the question and turned to see Alex practically limp on the couch, her chin tucked against her chest and her whole lower half splayed awkwardly on the floor.

"What? No way dude, I would've told you if she was my mate." I mumbled, lying through my teeth.

"I know you're a good liar which is why it's so funny I could immediately tell you were lying right then. Come on Willow, I'm not an idiot. The way you look at her? The way you carried her, you even made sure she didn't hit her head when you set her down."

"Because she hurt her head! That's why! Obviously I wouldn't care otherwise!" I hissed, crossing my arms. I knew Alex would never tell my dad or hurt me in any way, but the panic of someone knowing was... terrifying.

"Hey dude, I'm not gonna like... attack you or something. I'm just saying it has to be exhausting to hide it all the time, especially with Lilly. So, you don't have to say anything else!" She waves her hands in the air wildly. "I'm just saying that if you are, it's ok. She's a good person, I like her, I think the way Jason treats her is horrible. Oh and her bag is on the side here," she patted the side of the couch and pointed to the floor where the bag rested. "Do you need any more help or do you have it covered?"

I gave her a small smile even though my heart was practically beating out of my chest. "No I think I've got it covered, can you let me know when dad gets home?"

"Sure, no problem. And Willow, I love you. If you mention that I love you to anyone else I'll strangle you though." She pointed her finger at me threateningly before she slipped out of the room with a soft laugh.

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