Why dont you ever talk?(chapter 4)

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Willow's POV:

She was sleeping now. We walked home together, our hands interlocked. My father wasn't home thankfully, so we managed to get inside without being questioned. She fell asleep on my bed, and she looked so small. She was skinny, her shirt clung to her body. "Willow?" A voice shouted, and I stiffened when I realized that it was the beta, Alex. "Uh- y-yes?" I called out, scribbling a quick note on a piece of paper and darting out of my room.

"Come on, we need to do rounds!" She shouted again, making me bolt downstairs to see her standing there. Her hair was a bright red, and her eyes were a stunning blue.

"Sorry, I dozed off." I lied easily, tugging off my shirt as we got outside. Kita still wasn't talking to me, but I could feel her there. When we first shift, our wolves take over, and we just run. But you learn to control it, I honestly felt bad for Lilly's wolf. Not being able to run for even a few days makes Kita nervous and angry, and Lilly has never shifted. I shuddered slightly before I heard a familiar noise of skin tearing. Besides me was Alex, her fur a light silver.

Fur was an important thing to wolves, you started with a speckled coat, then brown, then tan, then dark gray, gray, silver, and then black. On rare occasions there was white, but that was usually a very small chance. One of the alphas of the other pack in our area was a white wolf, he's mean. Supposedly he rules with an iron fist. Or well, claws. I was shook out of my thoughts by a loud huff and nudge from Alex. "I know, I know." I muttered quickly, tugging off the rest of my clothes quickly. "Sorry." I mumbled, shifting easily.

She huffed and rolled her eyes, still a bright blue. 'Come on' she said, her thoughts penetrating my own. I sighed and took off, loving the feeing of the wind in my fur.

Lilly's POV

I woke up to a small pressure on me. I blinked a few times before I could see, I knew it was still dark. I wanted to ask if it was Willow, but I could tell by her smell that it was her. I tried to move over, but my wrists were pinned to the bed. "Lilly...." She cooed, leaning closer to me. Her eyes really were a beautiful green.

"You're so beautiful." She smiled, leaning down and kissing my neck slowly. I squirmed and I felt her nails dig into my wrist. "Don't you love me?" She whined, looking at me again. I wanted to tell her to stop, that this wasn't her. "You don't! You don't love me!" She cried angrily. I could feel her nails dig in so deep that I could feel blood dripping down my arm slowly.

Before I could move, cry out, do anything, she moved, and a sharp pain started in my chest, before blooming out, my fingers curled, my mouth opened in shock. But she just smiled. Her green eyes were no longer calm and caring, but instead furious and harsh.

I woke up gasping, and my chest still hurt. I placed my hand over the ache and tried to calm myself down. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. I laid back down slowly, sighing quietly. Where was Willow? Alli growled quietly 'idiot! What's wrong with your mind?!' I frowned and ignored her, looking around the now dark room. Where was she? I stood up carefully before spotting a small piece of notebook paper.

'Hey Lilly, going out on patrol with Alex, be careful for dad, ~Willow'

'Great! Now we have to get away from the alpha!' Alli screamed, practically making me go deaf. 'Hey! Leave my hearing!' I snapped back, huffing quietly. How long had we been asleep? My chest still stung, but I chose to ignore it. 'That's how you die.' Alli sang, I could feel her smirking. Stupid wolf.

(A/N: I'm super sorry that I haven't updated, I've been busy and have been lacking motivation. No promises on how much I'll update or how long the updates will be. I also wrote this quite a while ago and am just publishing for it to be out of my drafts, hope it's at least decent!)

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