Chapter 8

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Me and Scott both ran away from Cheyenne's house and onto the sidewalk where we started walking together.

"Well, that was eventful," I laugh.

Scott said nothing, he just stared into space.

"Are you okay?" I ask him.

"Yes, but are you?" Scott touches my red, bruised cheek gently. "She slapped you pretty hard."

"It stings but I'm fine," I smile.

"What are you going to tell your mom?" Scott asks me looking scared probably for himself too.

"Nothing," I shrug my shoulders.

Scott looks at me like I'm crazy.

"Don't you remember when I was talking and you interrupted me know," I begin to blush remembering the kiss.

Oh yeah, he kissed me!!
I must ya know, be pretty attractive.

"You're so beautiful," Scott said randomly.

I start to shake because I was becoming very nervous. I had butterflies just havin a party in my stomach and my heart was beating really fast.

I finally was able to look at him and smile, trying not to blush.

"You're so perfect," he says randomly again.

I was then getting kind of suspicious.

"What's with all the compliments?" I ask him not sure if I should have a serious face or just laugh. So I looked like an idiot instead.

"I can't help it," he laughs and looks at me.

"'re cute," I compliment him back and my butterflies were not just in my stomach but in my chest as if they were just floating around my heart. I felt like I was gonna run out of breath and faint. (Author: I'm literally feeling this while writing this rn lol)

"This should become a game," he grins widely with his perfect white teeth.

"Your smile is perfect," I say going along with it.

"It looks so cute when you blush," he grabs my hand and I giggle.

We continue to play the game while holding hands as he walks me all the way home.

When we arrive at my house he walks me all the way to my door.

We just stare at each other smiling.

Again look at his HAZEL EYES!

Then it begins to get awkward as we just kept staring at each other.

"Well bye," I smile and begin to walk off and he still just looks at me, smiling.

"Wait," he says as I open my door.

He grabs my arm and pulls me towards him which startled me. It made me scream but I laughed at myself.

He pulls me towards his face and our foreheads were touching.

Ohmagawd I'm feeling tingles

As our foreheads were touching he grabbed my waist and pulled my body more towards him. He looked into my eyes and smiled which made me do the same.

I rested my arms on his shoulders and gave out a small laugh.

It was about probably 2 whole minutes of me and him just smiling, laughing and still just looking into each other's eyes until he slowly leaned in and put his lips on mine.

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