Chapter 7

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"Camelot and Mercia had been fighting each other for years, now," Morgana explained as she was styling her hair, sat in front of her hairdresser. The King of Mercia, Beyard, was coming to Camelot with his army to sign a treaty to end the war that was going on for a decade now. Eowyn and Gwen were standing a few feet behind the Lady. "It's a very important day. Everyone is apprehending it. If anything happened, the war won't stop and both kingdoms would start battles again," Eowyn nodded, understanding better why the day was so important and why people were so tensed. She didn't know about the relations between Camelot and Mercia so Morgana and Gwen had cleared up the situation for her.

"The fights stopped for a few years as they were making the terms for the treaty," Gwen added. "Now that the treaty is ready, both Kings have to sign it to make it official,"

"I see," Eowyn nodded. "Then let's hope that nothing bad will happen then," but it would be that easy. Both Morgana and Gwen nodded, agreeing with her words. When Lady Morgana was finally ready, the three women exited the chambers of the Lady and made their to the Hall of Ceremonies, talking friendly. When they arrived there, Morgana went to sit at her usual place, at the left side of the King. Eowyn and Gwen went to stand at the corner of the room, behind the table where the royal family will all sat. After a moment, everyone was arrived and at their place. The knights of Camelot, in red, were sat at one side, and the knights of Mercia, in blue, were sat on the other. The knights of both kingdoms were facing each other. Eowyn was focused on Uther and Beyard that stood to sign the treaty. At the corner of her eyes, she saw someone coming. She turned and widened her eyes, holding her laugh as Merlin arrived and stood next to her. Gwen too was holding her laugh.

"Nice hat," Morgana's servant giggle.

"You look... amazing," Eowyn tried to compliment but her chuckle told otherwise.

"Thanks," Merlin said, not happy with his look. Eowyn noticed that Merlin was looking at Arthur, shaking his head, reproaching him to have made him wear this. Eowyn looked at her brother again, trying to hold her laugh, but then her eyes met Arthur's. They both looked at each other and then couldn't hold their chuckled again. Arthur turned back to focus on the treaty as Eowyn looked down, putting her hand in front of her mouth, trying to stiff her laughter. Merlin then suddenly took off his hat.

"She's pretty isn't she? For a handmaiden, I mean," Gwen made. Eowyn looked up, wondering who they were talking about. Eowyn then followed the gaze of his brother and her friend and spot a woman with black hair and a blue cloth wrapped around her head.

"She's pretty for a princess, let alone a handmaiden," Eowyn was surprised at her brother answer. Looks like Merlin was taking a liking on someone. But she more surprise by the fact that he said that to Guenevere. Gwen and Merlin were pretty close and Eowyn was sure that her brother had, even a little crush, for Morgana's servant.

"Mmm," Gwen hummed, quite sad and jealous. Eowyn noticed that and mouthed to her 'don't worry'. From the way Merlin was acting around Gwen, Eowyn knew that Morgana's had a special place in Merlin's heart. He just needed time to realise it. The sorcerer could be pretty dense sometimes.

The three of them watched Uther signing the treaty and gripping arm with Beyard as everyone stood up and applaud. Gwen left Eowyn and Merlin to stand next to Gaius. Merlin frowned not understanding why she left and looked at his sister for answers. It was pretty clear for Eowyn and she just sighed at Merlin, leaving him to stand next to Gaius too. Uther and Arthur went to sit at their places as a serving girl from Mercia entered the room, holding a box in her hands. According to Bayard, the goblets that were inside the box were a symbol of their goodwill, and of their newfound friendship. There was one goblet for Uther and one for Arthur. Eowyn listened to Bayard's speech but noticed her brother leaving with the servant girl. She frowned, wondering where they were going and why. She refocused on Bayard when everyone stood to toast. Eowyn hold her laugh again at the face Arthur was making each time he was about to drink but Bayard always added something to toast to. Uther added one last reason to toast and Arthur was finally able to drink his wine. But things didn't go as planned for the Prince as Merlin burst in the Hall of Ceremonies.

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