Chapter 21

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The white moon was shining bright in the dark sky. Eowyn was in the lower town, heading back to the castle. She had spent the day examining people who needed a consultation. Eowyn was well known among the people of the lower town. Her kindness was very well appreciated by the people. She doesn't hesitate to help and heal them, even if it takes all of her time. She didn't care, as long as the people of Camelot were healthy.

Eowyn was not far from the castle. She would have spent a little bit more time at the lower town but the warning bells were sounding. And after knowing what the blueish jewel was: the soul of Cornelius Sigan, she feared that someone would have stolen it. If it was the case, Sigan would possess the body of the robber and come back to life. Eowyn was praying that the warning bells weren't for that reason. But nothing ever goes as planned in Camelot. Now she wanted to join Gaius and Merlin to help them solve whatever was going on. Eowyn was on the alley to the castle when the sound of a high screeching could be heard. The sylphide quickly looked up and saw a black winged-beast landing in front of her. Eowyn froze in shock as the beast screeched again as if it was preparing to attack. People started to scream and ran away. The beast charged as Eowyn ran to hide while the guards attacked the monster. But they weren't strong enough and the beast swung an arm at them, catapulting them against the wall. The beast charged at the crowd, attacking a few people. Eowyn managed to hide away from the beast. But she saw a man, a merchant she used to always passed by for his products, falling and struggling to get up. Without thinking twice, Eowyn ran and help the merchant get up. She put his arm around her shoulder and helped him walking toward a hidden place. But they heard a screeching and when Eowyn turned back, she saw the beast flying toward them. Eowyn's eyes glowed white as a strong gust of wind blew on the beast, catapulting it against a wall. It allowed Eowyn to have enough time to hide with the merchant. The man sat and the physician kneeled down, examining his bleeding calf. It was just a superficial wound, nothing serious. Eowyn stood up and ripped a part of her gown, using it as a bandage for his wound.

"Thank you Eowyn," the merchant said, thankful. "Without you, I would be dead by now,"

"It's okay," she just shrugged it off. It was a normal thing to do. She couldn't let him die. Eowyn looked back at the where the creature was and helped the merchant to stand up. The beast wasn't there but the screechings were still distantly hearable. "We can reach a temporary ward that was surely in the castle. Your wound is not serious but needs to be treated," The merchant nodded as both of them started walking as fast as they could - since the merchant was still wounded - and reached the castle.

"Can you continue alone?" she asked as she stopped.

"Yes," the merchant nodded. "You're not coming?"

"There are still people who need help in the lower town," she said as she ran back to the lower town. Eowyn hid in a small alley between two houses and observed the empty streets. She ran again toward the sound of the screams and screeching. Suddenly, she saw two other beasts flying above her heads. It was not alone. They were several. It was already hard to deal with one and he had to bring his friends alone. Eowyn took a deep breath and ran toward the gate of the city. There the beast was attacking people and others were trying to leave the city. Guards and a few knights were trying to defeat the beast but it was too strong. Eowyn helped as many people as she could, helping to reach the gates or helping them to hide.

Eowyn was now hiding behind a house. The beast disappeared but it was still there. It was too dark to see it but its screeching could be heard. Eowyn was carefully scanning the streets with her eyes, out of breath. She was wondering how were her brother and Gaius. If they were okay and safe in the castle. The old physician was surely treating people in the temporary ward with the help of Gwen and Morgana. But Arthur and Merlin were the ones she was the most worried. Arthur was a knight, fighting was his job and duty. She was certain he was fighting on the beasts. Eowyn was worried for the Prince, worried that something would happen to him. Even though she wanted to ignore her feelings, she couldn't. She was worried sick for Arthur, praying that he would be still alive and win his fight. And she was hoping her brother would be safe. But knowing him, he would surely run toward the danger to stop it and solve the situation. Merlin was reckless, Eowyn just hoped he wouldn't do something too stupid and dangerous.

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