Author's note

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Before reading be aware that:

This story doesn't show the exact scenario as what really happened during the tragedy. I will just add some of the scenes I got while watching the video clips recorded by the student passenger of the ship.

This might really trigger your tears and might cause a heartbreak.

This story might consist of few chapter since I will focus to the tragedy itself.

The Names of the characters here are pure fictional. I will not use their Korean names because, first of all, their names weren't broadcasted. Next, if their names were broadcasted, I will not use it cause I feel like it is a disrespect for the deceased students or passengers.

Next. The settings of the story is in South Korea though they speak Tagalog. I just want to have the Korean vibe since the tragedy originally happened in South Korea. I will use Tagalog or English instead of Hangul cause, I'm still not that good in Hangul and not all of my readers will understand Hangul.

Hope this story will give an impact not only to your mind, but also to your hearts.

Advice: listen to...
BTS- Spring Day
The Ark- The Light
..while reading this story

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