Ch.1 School's Out Bitches

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*Becca's Pov*

I tap my pencil lightly against my exam paper, thinking of what else to write about my clinical patient. His name it Terry, he lives at the states Asylum. He's diagnosed with schizophrenia and he's murdered his neighbors child seven years ago.

I think of the interviews I did with Terry and remember how he told me about when he first started hearing voices at night. I quickly write down all that he told me, feeling pleased that I've nearly written two pages.

The rest of the exam time flies by quickly and I just finish my paper when the teacher tells us time is up. I walk to the front of the room along with the other students, and hand my professor my paper.

"Have a good midterm break, everyone." He says as we all grab our belongings and head out of the classroom.

"How do you think you did?" My friend, Jess asks.

"Good actually, thankfully it wasn't much trouble to get Terry to talk to me so I had enough to go off of."

"You're bloody lucky, Mate, my patient never wanted to say anything! Could barley get any information outta him." Jess huffs. "But I think I didn't do too bad either. I'm glad the TA's are grading our papers."

"Yeah well now we are done till after break." I smile. "Want to go get coffee and some food?"

"Of course I do!" Jess yells and grabs my hand, picking up her pace. I laugh at my friends excitement. We leave the school grounds and walk towards the busy part of the city in Philadelphia. The trees are just turning red and orange in early October. The familiar sound of the bell ringing is heard as I open the door of the coffee shop for me and and Jess.

"Hey Becca and Jess." The barista greets us. I love Erin, she's great at remembering all the customers that come by. "The usuals?"

"Yes please for me." I say.

"And me as well." Jess says.

We wait a few minutes for our drinks and pastries before finding a small table by the window.

"Who else is done with classes?" Jess asks with a croissant in her mouth.

"Charming..." I smile. "And I think it's just us and Natalie. I know Brooke is in class for a few more hours."

"Guys!" I hear Natalie yell as she walks into the coffee shop.

"Heyyy, Muffie." I say.

"I'm so happy! I'm free for a week!"

"You packed?" I ask.

"Packed? Oh god, no. I haven't even done laundry." She laughs.

"I feel ya, brother." Jess nods towards Natalie.

"I swear me and Chip are the only ones who plan ahead." I roll my eyes. I start mindlessly playing with the lose threads on the worn out, "University of Pennsylvania" jumper I stole from Brooke. "We should go then, both of you need to pack." I say. 

The other two girls agree, so we head towards the apartments most upperclassmen live in. I live in an apartment with Jess, Brooke, Natalie, Casey and Abby.

When we get inside, we see Casey in the kitchen, making ramen. "Hey, you done with class too?" I ask.

Casey nods. "Teacher loved my game board design, he even wants to get his own copy and play it."

"Nice, Boom." Jess says.

"Hey, wait, did you get coffee without me?" Casey notices the cups in our hands.

"Sorry Brosky, would have gotten you some if I had known you'd be here."

"Nah it's fine, I've already had a whole pot of it." Casey shrugs before taking her bowl of ramen and heading to her room. Everyone else does the same. I lay in my big bed and scroll through my phone and watch Netflix.

A few hours later, the bedroom door swings open and Brooke runs and springs onto the bed, landing beside me. I chuckle and shut my phone off before rolling over and wrapping my arms around Brooke.

"Hey Buggie."

"Hiiii Bubby." She smiles at me. "I don't think I failed my exam!"

"I know you didn't, Einstein." I say before kissing her forehead. I go to move away but Brooke stops me and kisses me on the lips, but she quickly breaks the kiss because she's smiling too widely. This happens a lot.

"You Goober." I say before giving her a few quick kisses. "Now you have lots of packing to do, Missy."

"What are you talkin bout, I have vodka and beer packed. That's all I need." She jokes.

"Mhm, nice try." I say, giving her a look that I know will get her moving.

"Okay, okay woman!" Brooke gets off the bed again and pulls out a bag from the closet. She moves around the room, packing what she needs while I go back to watching my show on my laptop.

"Yo, Abby called." Jess sticks her head into the room. "She's gonna pick up dinner at the Italian place."

"PASTA!" I yell while Brooke yells "Becca's a pasta addict!"

I glare at Brooke and try to hit her with a pillow but she catches it. "Nice try Baby."

"Oi, just tell me what ya wanna eat!" Jess yells.

"Mmmm I'll do chiggen parm with spaghetti." Brooke says.

"I'll have carbonara."

"Oh shit, imma have some of that." Brooke says.

"Urghh, fine, I won't be able tot finish it anyway." I sigh.

"Holy Salted Peanuts, you two are crazy. Anyway, thanks, bye." Jess closed the door and I hear her tell Abby our order.

Brooke opens the big window and sits on the window Sil. Where our apartment is, we can see over the Penn campus. Trees and beautiful old buildings are seen. I join Brooke and she snuggles into me. "Nice sweatshirt." She mumbles against my shoulder.

"Thanks, got it from my local girlfriends closet. It's a great store, you should check it out."

"Dinners here!" Abby yells through the apartment.

Both me and Brooke quickly leave as our stomachs grumble. I can smell my pasta from down the hall. I run into the kitchen and grab my food and find a comfortable spot on the couch. Everyone does the same and we watch "Pitch Perfect."

"Right, I'm heading to bed, we have an early start tomorrow." Brooke gets up. She's driving us all down to her aunt and uncles cabin. It's a few hours from here and it's a near a lake. That's where we will be staying for our fall break.

Brooke puts her take out container before heading back to our room. Everyone goes to their bedrooms too shortly after. I stay in the living room, staring at the black tv screen. I've been excited to go out to the cabin, but suddenly I feel a nervous knot in my stomach. There's no reason to be scared... is there?

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