Ch.4 Another One Bites the Dust

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*Becca's Pov*

"Fucking hell, fucking hell, fucking hell..." Brooke keeps muttering as we frantically run in-between trees. It's pitch black, so we both keep stumbling on fallen branches, and getting face fulls of sticks and leaves and dare I say spider webs. I'm doing my best to not think about how much of a mess my hair must look right now.... not that it should matter.

"FUCK!" I hear two voices yell in pain, making me stop in my tracks.

"Buggie?" I ask, looking around the dark woods.

"I'm... here." I hear Brooke weakly say.

"Me too..." I also hear Jess's voice.

I'm able to just make out the two bodies laying on the ground. "Wow you two really collided hard there." Natalie's voice is heard near me too.

I shuffle my feet over to Jess and Brooke, not being able to tell who is who at the moment, and help one of them up. "You okay?" I ask.

"Feel bloody brill, got a uhh.. proper concussion as you would put it." Jess says.

I go over to Brooke and help her up as well. "You two good to keep running?" I ask. Then we hear footsteps and low growls.

"I mean yeah, if I don't want to be ripped to shreds." Brooke says before leading the four of us. We move quickly until we finally see lights coming from the cabin.

We all break out into a sprint when we see Abby standing alone. "Chip, come on, get inside!" I yell. All of us can only see the back of her. Abby doesn't go to move at all, which confuses me. "Chip?" I say again, being the first to head towards her.

When I'm close enough I freeze in my tracks when I see a headless body and blood everywhere. But no way that's....

Jess get's closer to Abby and places her hand on her shoulder. Abby looks as though she's in a state of shock and grief, which only confirms what I don't want to believe.

Brooke's eyes are already spilling over with tears and she lets out loud sobs. I shake my head and blink rapidly. This can't be happening. I then see Jess has Abby in a tight hug while Natalie cries as well next to them. Brooke goes to get closer to Casey's mulled body, but I quickly reach out and grab her arm, pulling her back.

"Don't..." I say weakly.

"I need a closer look! It can't be Casey!" Brooke yells.

"It-it's her...Casey. I-I s-saw it happen...." Abby stutters out just loud enough for me to hear.

Finally, tears fall down my face as well, but the moment is ruined by howls right near us now. I turn my head towards the tree line and see three big werewolves eyeing us. "Guys...." I say. "We need to go... now." I keep my voice as calm but urgent as possible.

The rest of them look over at the werewolves as well. We all make a mad dash for the cabin. I arrive to the porch first and burst the door open. I make sure everyone is inside before slamming it closed and locking it.

"Those werewolves are defiantly strong enough to break through." Brooke says. "Come on! Help me move shit!" She goes over to a tall wooden wardrobe and we follow her. All of us move the heavy wardrobe in front of the door.

"Wait, what about the windows... they could smash through those too!" Natalie cries out.

I run my fingers through my hair, stressed, trying to think of how we are going to possibly survive this. "I've got an idea..." I finally say. I run over to the grate and remove it, revealing the cellar with all the odd dusty trinkets. "We could hide in here."

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