Ch.6 Sherlock Work

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A/N: Yeah nah no proof reading lolll 

Anyway, I hope you enjoy :) 


*Natalie Pov*

"She's not coming back is she?" I sniffle.

"I don't know Muff..." Abby mumbles while we continue to paddle across the pond.

"Why did she have to play the bloody hero and why did we let her!" Jess yells out. She stops paddling and starts crying without tears. "I just want to go home! I can't take this anymore! I'm so bloody tired!"

I roll my eyes. "Would you shut up about how tired you are for two seconds!" I snap.

Jess looks over at me with shock. "Woah okay... calm down." She scoffs.

"And we are doing it again. We are fighting again!" Abby yells at both of us. "Oh and look at that, Shrek has returned." She points to the other side of the pond.

"But without Nooget... do you think that means she's alive or dead?" Jess asks nervously.

"I really don't know..." I say but I have a feeling it's the second option Jess said. "Now seem like a great time to start paddling faster."

"Brilliant idea, Mate." Jess nods. We start paddling faster and faster. I occasionally look behind me to see what Mossy or, whatever people are calling him, is up to. He doesn't seem to notice us yet, he's just hanging out on the pier. I look ahead of me again and see we've only made it about half way and we still have another hundred yards are so.

Jess screams all of a sudden. I whip my head over to her and see a snake has wrapped itself around her ore. Mossy looks over at us too, finally taking notice.

"AH! Guys! He sees us!" I yell.

"Get off you wanker!" Jess yells at the snake, waving around her ore. "Fuck off!"

"Never mind the snake! Just keep paddling anyway!" Abby yells. The three of us continue on but Mossy disappears under the water completely.

"Ah shit! I can't even track him now!" I yell scared. I focus ahead of me again and keep on going, making sure Jess and Abby are staying next to me in their boats. As we get closer to the other end, our ores scrape against the bottom, making it harder to glide through the water.

"Let's get out here and run the rest of the way, it's super shallow now." Abby suggests and climbs out of her kayak first. I see something shine gold that falls out of her kayak and into the water. Abby frantically starts feelings around the shallow water for whatever the gold thing was.

"Come on, forget the thing you dropped!" I yell. Abby snaps out of her trance and the three of us start running through the knee high water. Then my worst fear happens as I hear a scream. I turn around and see the chain f Moss Man wrapped around Abby's neck.

Jess and I look at each other before running towards him with our ores in our hands, We start hitting Moss Man as hard as we can but it's no use. He has Abby tightly wrapped in his chain. He drags her under water. Me and Jess cry as we watch Abby struggle to try and stay above water but it's no use. Moss Man finally gets Abby fully submerged and they never come back up.

Still crying, Jess grabs my hand and starts running out of the rest of the pond. We both keep running until we are back in the trees.

"What the fuck! We can't be the only ones left!" Jess cries.

I wipe my tears aggressively and stare down at the ground intensely. "Why couldn't have been me! Why do I have to last this long! I wish I didn't have to keep watching my friends die! Casey was so lucky!" I scream.

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