CH.7 Blood Thirst

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*Jess's Pov*

I grip the knife in my hand tightly when I see guards walking around. "They've sent some wankers after us." I tell Natalie.

"They are fools for only sending three though. We can take them." Natalie smirks.

"I've got an idea. When this box decides to like pick a spot to freakin land, we should act all scared and innocent. And then when they aren't expecting it, we attack."

"Good idea. I like that idea." Natalie nods.

I see an empty spot where a glass box should be. Just as I thought, our box starts pulling into the empty space, and on the walkway, I see the guards. I brace myself for what's going to happen as the doors start sliding open.

"Start faking crying." I say quickly to Natalie. She nods and we both start doing our best fake sobs.

"Hold your fire!" one of the guards say. "You two are not suppose to be down here."

"I-I'm sorry sir. Our friends have been murdered and we just wanted to try and find help! Will you help us?" I cry.

The guards look at each other before the same one who was talking, hostlers his gun. "Come on, follow us. We can help you." He lies. No bloody way they're going to actually help us, I mean whoever they work for killed our friends.

Me and Natalie walk down the hallway lined with monsters, as the three guards form a semi circle around us. I notice that all of them have put their guns away. All I have to do is stab one and take his gun.

"Alright, get in." The guard gesters for me and Natalie to go inside an elevator first. Me and Natalie look at each other slowly before stepping inside. We are in the back, while all three guards are standing in front of us with their backs to us.

"Now's your chance." Natalie whispers. I nod and take a deep breath before stabbing the knife in one of the guards sides and quickly taking his gun from its holster. I fire the gun at the guard to the left of me before turning the other way and shooting the guard to my right. The one I stabbed tries to take another gun but I shoot him too.

"Fucking hell! I can't believe I just did that." I panic, looking at the three dead bodies with pools of blood forming. Natalie reaches down and takes a gun off one of the guards before the elevator dings and the doors slide open. We walk out and see other elevator doors and a few hallways.

We start walking down a hallway but I quickly stop us when I hear footsteps approach us. "Shit, more guards, let's go the other way." I say quietly. Me and Natalie go down the other hallway but we see shadows of more approaching guards. We run back to the center where all the elevator doors are.

"Look over there, I wonder what that is." Natalie points to a small control room with a large window.

"let's hide in there." I say before we run to the booth. I kick down the door Natalie shoots the guy who was sitting at the panel board.

I look at the controls and see four big buttons amongst a bunch of other ones. They read, "North Wing, East Wing, South Wing and West Wing."

"Get down!" Natalie yells when she sees a cluster of guards all looking confused to where we went.

"They probably went in there!" We hear one of them shout and point to the booth we are in.

"You don't think these buttons like release monsters do you, Lemon?" I ask.

"They might, I think we should press them, then the monsters can kill all the guards for us." Natalie suggests.

"I mean, we've come this far, might as well throw all caution to the wind at this point. Plus I'm tired of coming up with elaborate plans." I shrug before hitting all four buttons.

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