Ch.3 Heads will Roll

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*Steve Pov*

"Well this oughta be fun." I smile. "And it's going to make great money I think. I mean, we've got a group of smart girls from a smart college, so they probably won't go down without a fight. Two of them are dating, so that's always a few more brownie points." I explain to Wendy.

"Would you shut it? Stop mans-plaining. I've worked here longer than you."

I raise my hands up in surrender. "Jeez, cool it." I reach and take a sip of my coffee before cringing. "Fucking Jane didn't get hot coffee for me."

"You could always go get it yourself. It's only a floor up." Wendy rolls her eyes again.

I think for a second while looking down at my luke warm coffee before shaking my head. "I have more important things to attend to. Like charming our audience!"

"I with you were chosen for the game, not these innocent girls." Wendy tells me.

"Ah but that's the thing, if they were innocent they wouldn't have been selected." I walk around the main control panel and straight my tie. I walk over to the guests who are dressed to the nines. I snap my fingers, signaling for the servers to start walking around with champagne flukes.

I go up to a random couple. "Hi, I hope you're enjoying yourselves this evening. I promise you, you will not walk away disappointed." I give them my best smile.

"Oh yes indeed, it was quite amusing to watch that one girl kiss the moose." The wife laughs.

"That was indeed quite something to see, huh." I chuckle. I quickly grab two glasses off the tray passing by and hand them over to the couple. "Remember, there is a betting pool to participate in."

"Oh my money is definitely on player three." The husband says, referring to the tall girl with blue hair. "She looks like she's ready to fight anyone that comes her way."

"Again, thank you for coming tonight." I tell the couple before walking away.





*Brooke's Pov"

"Wanna go on a walk?" I ask Becca.

"It's a bit dark don't you think? And we don't really know our way around these woods."

"Ugh come on, why you gotta be logical? We don't have to stray too far from the cabin." I reason.

"Well... alright. I'm grabbing a flashlight and a bat though." Becca gets up from the couch. I chuckle when I see her actually get a metal baseball bat.

"Of course you packed that."

"I mean, it's me." She says dramatically and flips her hair over her shoulder.

We leave the cabin and start walking down a cleared path. We can barley make out the shining moon through the dense trees. "So, was there a reason you wanted to go for a walk?" Becca asks, wrapping her arm around my shoulders.

"Not really, just wanted some quality Cubby time I suppose." I shrug.

Becca smiles. "Alright then."

"Those trinkets we found... those were weird don't you think?" I ask.

Becca shrugs. "I mean, I thought they were kind of cool. Except for that painting... I didn't really like that."

"It just makes me wonder though, what they were doing there. What do they mean."

"Come on Nugs, there's no conspiracy here or anything. They were just dusty old collectables someone left behind. Nothing to worry about, Love." Becca tries to make me feel better, but I can't shake the unsettling feeling in my gut. I say nothing back to Becca, deep in thought and looking distraught. She sighs and stops both of us from walking. She turns and faces me. "Buggie, just calm down. There's really nothing to-" She get's cut off by a powerful howl coming from somewhere. "...worry about..."

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