||WERSJA ANGIELSKA||I ran out of that damned house. I will never come back here anymore! Never! I was standing on the pavement in front of the gate to the house's garden, delivering my organism huge amounts of air filled with exhaust fumes. From my back there were still coming sounds of the party. The one party, that has changed everything. The horrible music was playing, the bottles were being smashed, the people was bursting in laugh time after time. Everything seemed like no one even noticed my disappearance. One more person, one less… Does that matter?
Nobody cared about me…When I already got myself together enough to leave this hideous place, I heard a window being opened. Someone was shouting. But that wasn't the worst part. Someone was shouting at me.
I turned to check, who, however, was as nice to be worried. Oh, yes… What else could I suppose? That was, obviously, my ex boyfriend…-- Come back Y/N! I want to have some fun, baby!!! -- He was announcing half of the city with his drunk voice. I clenched my eyelids, same with fists. It's meaningless to try to discuss with him. Slowly started I to go in an undefined direction, only to be far from here.
-- Where are you going?! -- I constantly heard him calling after me. He was becoming more and more furious. Now I wouldn't come back for sure. I wouldn't willingly expose myself to his rage! -- We're together! You have to listen to me! -- he screamed. That was too much. I emotionally exploded.
-- I don't have to do anything! -- I managed to make my voice feel like there was much more anger than in reality, despite I knew I was going to cry. -- I'm no longer your girlfriend! I have never been!
When I said that, he stayed quiet. I reckon I must have hurt him, because all that I heard was the whack of closed with a great force window and crash of broken glass. I didn't care about that. Not after the thing that he did to me. He deserved pain. Otherwise, probably tomorrow he will completely forget about me and the whole situation. He'll find himself some cheap lady to relieve stress. It wouldn't be difficult. Hello, we're in Hollywood!
When I was further from house, I let my emotions take the whole control. From the corners of my eyes dripped streams of salty tears. I stared at the ground, going god knows where and wondering about meaning of my existence. I was alone in the urban jungle. I hadn't any friends, I lost my boyfriend. That made me struggle with another problem. I became homeless. Would I end as one of these all girls from Hollywood Boulevard, who are standing under the lantern in skimpy outfit, only to earn some money for living? I didn't want to even think about such a scenario…
But why I dream 'bout so distant future, since today I haven't yet got a place to sleep? I should find something quite good...
It would be the best to rent a room in a motel. Unsurprisingly, I didn't have that much money...Maybe though any bench? Just one? For a while I raised my sight from the road and looked around. That's impossible. I surely didn't get that far. But I couldn't have any doubt. I was standing on Sunset Strip, in front of the Roxy. We have often been coming here with Dylan…
I felt very unwell, when only I started to think about him. Psychically, that obvious, but also physically. In the moment I was flooded by the wave of chill, cold sweat appeared on my forehead. I didn't know what was happening to me. Before my eyes I saw scotomas, the world started to be more and more indistinct. My ears didn't receive sounds anymore, instead I heard only some kind of unclear tinnitus. I thought I was going to die.
Before I completely lost contact with the world surrounding me, I made myself cry for help. I hoped that the group of boys that were smoking cigarettes near Roxy noticed me.
I don't know how that was possible. Maybe a sudden rush of adrenaline? And after that…
After that there was nothing. A total darkness. I fainted.

I Love Rock And Roll -- One-Shots
أدب الهواةAs the title says, in this book you can find a bunch of one-shots associated with rock and metal bands. I hope you will like them. What exactly do I write? Well, mostly fluff, sometimes angst. That kind of things. Rather not any smut. Also, I wan...