Chapter 1

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"I really don't know why you still trouble yourself with him, Toko, he clearly isn't interested." She sighs at my remark as we keep walking.

"B-But maybe if I keep trying, he'll eventually change his mind. I really like him, Y/N. M-M-Master Byakuya is really s-special."

I just nod in response as we head to class. I wish there was something I could do to help her get over him. This isn't healthy and I don't wanna watch my friend suffer.

We walk into class and take our seats in the back of the room. We're early, so the only other person here is Byakuya. Thankfully, he sits far away from us. I really don't like him and how he treats Toko.

After about 10 minutes, the rest of the class starts heading in. Toko sits next to me in the corner, avoiding social interactions. Makoto sits to my right, while Sakura and Hina take the spots in front of us. Class begins not long after, but I don't pay much attention. I'm too busy staring at the muscular girl in front of me to even consider listening to the teacher.

Before I know it, it's lunch time, and I head to my table with Sakura and Hina. Makoto breaks off from us to go sit with his other friends, and Toko just stalks Byakuya some more. I quietly eat my lunch while I listen to Sakura and Hina's conversation.

"So, Y/N, you've been very quiet today. What's up?" Hina tilted her head as she spoke. I don't know how she always manages to stay so positive!

"Oh yeah, I'm fine. Just kinda tired, that's all"

Sakura looked at me with slight concern and said, "are you sure? As Hina noticed, you haven't been acting like yourself. Did something happen over the summer?"

Great. She noticed. "It's nothing, don't worry about it. What happened with you guys over the summer?"

I don't know how convincing that was, especially since my face feels a little hot right now. I'm not very good at lying, and I think Sakura knows this by now. Thankfully, she doesn't press any further. I avoid eye contact with her for the rest of lunch, just in case she did catch on, though. As we leave to go back to class, I walk a little behind the other two. I keep my eyes on the floor the whole time, which I now realize was a bad idea. This realization literally hits me in the face as I feel myself collide with a wall. Oops.

"Are you alright, classmate?" I don't recognize the voice right away, and I look up to see my classmate, Kiyotaka Ishimaru.

"Yes! I'm fine! Are you okay though?" I stumble over my words when I notice Hina and Sakura staring at me. I don't listen to his reply, as I'm too busy watching Sakura. She walks over to me and extends her hand, offering to help me up. I blush, but allow her to help me anyway.

I quietly thank her as we walk away. I hear one of Taka's friends laughing at the way I was acting, but I ignore it.

Hina suddenly stops and turns to me with a smirk on her face. "Y/N, what had you so focused back there that you didn't even notice where you were walking? Is there a certain someone on your mind or something?"

As soon as she said that, the floor beneath me started to look very interesting. I shake my head and try to conceal my pink-tinted face. I can't let her know about my crush on Sakura yet. It's not that I don't trust her, I just don't want to start anything since she clearly also likes Sakura.

"That didn't seem very convincing, but I'll lay off you for now," Hina giggles. I give her a small half-smile to show my gratitude.

We walk to our next class together, and sit down quietly. The rest of the day goes by fairly quickly, then I'm left to walk home.

The air around me feels heavy as I walk through the front door. It's always eerily quiet here now, since only my dad and I live here. He never really leaves his room anymore, so I'm usually just left to fend for myself. I've sometimes considered just letting myself go and not trying anymore, but I know my mom wouldn't want that. I get up, eat, and go to school everyday for her. And to see Sakura. I know Sakura and Hina will probably get together, and I'll only be hurting more, but I still have hope.

I go to my room and sit down on my bed, just waiting for the day to end. I'll just mindlessly sing until I'm finally tired enough to go to sleep. Maybe things will get easier as the year goes on, but maybe they won't. We'll see.

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