Chapter 7

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After coming home from the sleepover, my life is still as boring as ever. My dad, as usual, hasn't talked to me. He just stayed in his bed and sulked, so I headed off to my room without uttering a word. I sit on my bed and think over the events of the last twenty-four hours. Most of the things that happened were overwhelmingly positive, but a few I could've gone without. Like how Hina figured out about my crush on Sakura. That was absolutely wonderful news.

Although, that was nothing compared to what the despair thot did. Taking that picture of Sakura and I was inconsiderate enough, but then she had the audacity to send it to Sakura. It would've been one thing if Junko kept it to herself, but nope. That stupid picture probably made Sakura really uncomfortable because there's no way we ended up like that on purpose! Ugh.

After that little bit of overthinking, I should probably sleep. We have school tomorrow, which is always bad enough, but I still have no idea what I'll say to her. Did she even see the picture, anyway?

~ye olde timeskip brought to you by the demons that quietly watch Y/N sleep every night~

I wake up to see sunlight bleeding in through my curtains. It brings a relaxed, calm sensation over me as it reaches my face. This peace was short-lived, though, as my alarm clock decided to start screaming at that moment. Oh, fuck off.

I grumble angrily as I get out of bed and begin to get ready for the day. I put on my ring and necklace, then leave for the kitchen. On the kitchen table sits a pile of cash left for me by my dad. Since he doesn't like to leave his room to take care of his daughter, he just gives me money at the beginning of the week so I can take care of myself.

It doesn't really bother me anymore that my dad never interacts with me. At this point, I may as well just be an orphan. Oh well, no use talking about it. I then grab my bag and leave for school.

Normally, the walk to school would be peaceful and relatively quiet. I would quietly hum along to my favorite songs as cars drove by. Every day would be the same; normal cars driving by at normal speeds, heading to their normal jobs. Although, I did see a limousine driving by with two boys in it, a tall one with black hair and a short blond, before. That only happened once, though.

Today is a bit different because as soon as I stepped outside, my phone rings. "City morgue, where we put the 'cold' in cold-hearted humor. How can I help you?" I say.

"W-Wow Y/N, that's a bit m-morbid coming from you."

I grin at my friend's reaction, "a bit, yeah. What's up Toko?"

"Well, I-I have some exciting news I wanted to share with you."

"Oh? What's up?"

"Remember a-at the sleepover how I was hanging out with Komaru for a while?"

"Yeah, of course I do. Why, what happened?"

"W-Well—" she takes a deep breath before continuing, then quickly says, "—Komaru asked me out and so we're going after school today."

I barely understood what she said due to how quickly she spoke, but then it finally clicks. "Toko congratulations, I'm so happy for you! But...didn't you like Byakuya? You really got over him that quickly?"

"I f-finally found someone better than him. I-Isn't this a g-good thing?"

"Of course it is! I'm just a bit surprised, that's all."

"Okay, g-good. I'll let you go now, s-see you later, Y/N."

"Bye Toko!" The rest of my walk goes by normally, and soon enough, I arrive at school. As usual, Hina and Sakura stood outside the school. I'm not ready to face Sakura yet, so I walk into the building without talking to them. Entering the classroom, I notice that some other people are already here. Celeste, Junko, and Mukuro quietly talk to each other, while Byakuya scowls at them from across the room. I sit down and wait for class to start.

Soon enough, everyone else files in and class starts. When Sakura walks in, she instantly locks eyes with me. Sitting down, she opens her mouth to talk. However, Monokuma blabbing about whatever it was that he thinks is important cuts her off.

~time skip brought to you by my inconsistent upload schedule~

Lunch rolls around before I know it, but I still don't feel very social. Knowing that Hina and Sakura might try to talk to me, I hurry out of the classroom before they get the chance. Instead of eating lunch with my friends like a normal friend-having person, I'll just spend my lunch walking around the school. They can't talk to me if they can't find me, amiright ladies?

Walking around, I get lost in my own thoughts. Nothing particular sticks, but the thoughts just come and go as they please. Could Sakura ever like me back? Is she upset about the picture Junko took? Do I have bigger badonkers than Mondo? Does Hina also like Sakura? Too much to ponder, but so little time for it all.

Regardless, lunch ends pretty quickly. When I arrive back to the classroom, Sakura is already there. Her head perks up as soon as I enter the room. "Y/N, I—"

"Man, you kids these days really don't take your education seriously, do you? Anyways, get to your seats. If you don't, I'll feed you to some child-eating demons...although you're a bit too old for their taste. Puhuhu!"

Sakura glares at him, but goes to her seat anyway. She gives me a look, letting me know that we'd be continuing this discussion later. After everyone else shows up, Monokuma begins class.

~another timeskip, brought to you by The Homosexual Supporting Cast™~

School ends, then everyone begins to leave for the day. Sakura motions for me to follow her, and I reluctantly comply. I can't avoid her forever. She leads us over to a quiet place right outside of the building so we can talk.

"So, Y/N, why have you been avoiding me since the sleepover? Did I do something to make you upset?"

"No, you didn't do anything wrong. I was just a bit worried that I had done something to make you uncomfortable and I was too scared to face you. I'm sorry."

She softly laughs and smiles at me, "now tell me, what made you think you had done something wrong?"

I blush a bit and look down at the ground while messing with my ring. "Well it seems a bit silly, but I was worried that the picture Junko sent made you uncomfortable."

Her eyes widen in realization, then she smiles. "That didn't make me uncomfortable at all. Quite the opposite, actually." Then, she reaches over and softly tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

At this point, my brain has stopped functioning. What is she doing? Does she mean that in a friendly way?? What do I do?? My face is now the same color as Larry the Lobster, so that's great.

Before anything else has time to potentially happen, we're interrupted by everyone's favorite hall-monitor. "PDA is not welcome in a school environment!" Taka shouts.

Laughing softly, Sakura backs away from me and says, "my apologies, Ishimaru. Y/N here just looked a bit too pretty, and I couldn't help myself."

He looks back and forth at us, before nodding and walking away. Sakura smirks at me, and I avoid eye contact. Unable to properly process the situation, I stutter out, "sorry Sakura, but, uh...I have to go walk!"

She nods, and allows me to walk away. Before I get too far, however, she calls, "hey, Y/N? You don't have a fish." 

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