Chapter 3

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I sit in my living room working on homework an hour before school starts, because I didn't feel like doing it yesterday. It's not difficult, I just was feeling lazy. Half an hour passes before I hear something strange coming from my front door. I look over and see the doorknob jiggle slightly. Slowly, I make my way to the kitchen and grab the nearest knife just in case someone manages to break in.

The door clicks, and the intruder kicks my door open for dramatic effect. "Got it! Told ya I could do it," Leon announces as he enters my house.

"What the actual fuck, Kuwata?" I mumble to myself, fully aware that he can't hear me from where he's standing.

Mondo steps in after him and they look around for a minute before noticing me in the kitchen, holding a knife. "Oh hey Y/N, didn't see you there!" Mondo takes a seat on my couch and puts his feet up on the coffee table as I notice the thing in his hand. An inflatable dinosaur costume.

"Of course you didn't. But please, by all means, make yourself comfortable," I say while glaring at him. He just grins in response.

"As you can clearly tell by now," Mondo starts, "I wasn't kidding about this thing. Leon decided he wanted to be there when you make your grand entrance to school, that's why he's here. Now, let's get to work!"

I sigh as I put on the costume and it starts to inflate. I look over and see Mondo already doubled over laughing at me, and Leon isn't much better. This is going to be humiliating. Yay.

"What's all this loud noi- Y/N, why are there two teenage boys in our living room?" My dad stops in his tracks and eyes me suspiciously. I awkwardly gesture to the dinosaur costume, and he walks away without any further questions. Wow, isn't that just the best way to interact with the dad you haven't properly spoken to in months!

"Alright, watching you inflate has been fun and all, but we should probably get going now. You have a big day today and I wouldn't want you to be late," Leon says as he leads me towards the door. I roll my eyes and start walking, without even looking up from my feet. If I don't make eye contact with anyone, I should be fine.

When we arrive at school, I refuse to look up, as I already know everyone is laughing and staring at me. I can see Mondo and Leon gesturing dramatically out of the corner of my eye, and I start to speed up. I take my usual seat in the classroom and wait for the day to begin so I can get this over with.

"Puhuhu young ones, your teacher has arrived! For today's class, you can do...whatever you want! Just don't murder each other, unless you really want to, but what kind of student would do that?" Mr. Monokuma then disappears, as he does.

Normally having a day to do whatever would be nice, but I have something else I must do today that may potentially haunt me for the rest of my life. But where should I begin?

* F r E e T i M e *

I decide to start with Mondo, since he's the bitch that made me go through this in the first place. I tap him on the shoulder and say, "if looks could kill, you'd be a weapon of mass destruction," while giving him awkward finger guns. He then falls out of his chair from laughing so hard, and Taka gives me a concerned look.

After that fiasco, I walk over to Hiro. "Call me Shrek because I'm head ogre heels for you," I say. He laughs and gives me a high five as I dinosaur waddle over to my next victim.

I approach with caution, as the next target is none other than Leg Man himself. I clear my throat to announce my presence. He scoffs and says, "what do you want, peasant?" I stare down the rich, blond, long-legged Satan and ask, "on a scale of 1 to America, how free are you tonight?" Without missing a beat, he responds with, "North Korea," and that was the end of that conversation.

Next, I tough-guy finger snap towards Celeste. She gives me a strange look, but I proceed anyway. "I hope there's a fire truck nearby, cause you're smokin'," I exclaim while once again doing awkward finger guns. She lightly smiles at me and replies, "ah, it's already chapter three, isn't it?" Oh.

Makin' my way to Makoto, walking fast, faces pass, there's the hope egg! "Did you have Lucky Charms for breakfast, because you look magically delicious," I end with an over exaggerated wink. He awkwardly laughs and says, "no, I had bacon and eggs." Of course he would.

Hina is up next, so I skedaddle over to her and prepare to make her regret befriending me. She laughs, already knowing what's about to happen. "Is your name Ariel, cause we mermaid for each other." She giggles and then says, "since a certain author is lazy and didn't wanna include everyone, you only have one person left, right? You should probably go do that." She gives me a knowing look and gestures over to Sakura.

I take a deep breath, then walk over to Sakura. She smiles as soon as she notices me, and my face turns slightly pink as I smile back. "Have you been covered in bees recently? I just assumed, because you look sweeter than honey." I avoid making eye contact as I say that to her, but I know it was received well when I hear her laughing. I look her in the eyes as she continues to laugh. Her face looks a little bit pink, so she must be hot. She's so pretty.

We continue to look at each other, forgetting everything else, until Mondo comes over and ruins the moment. "Hate to ruin the moment, but class is almost over if you want to take off the dino suit early." He smirks at me, clearly aware that something was going on. I nod and go to the bathroom to take off the costume.

I walk out of the bathroom with the costume in hand, and start walking towards the classroom. "So, how long have you liked Sakura for?" I jump in surprise and turn to look at the source of the question. Mondo. "I have no idea what you're talking about, Sakura and I are just friends."

He scoffs at my reply. "Yeah, sure, Y/N. I saw the way you two were looking at each other. You obviously like her, and I'm sure she feels the same. You should just cut the shit and ask her out already."

I cross my arms, feeling threatened, and ask, "how do you know? Do you act the same way around your crush?" I immediately regret saying that, as I realize I just gave him the information he wanted. Mondo, on the other hand, quietly mumbles a "fuck off" and I know that he also just admitted something he didn't want to. I hand him the costume back, then walk away with a smirk on my face at his defeat. This was a fun day.

Updated A/N: Thanks to this chapter, *somebody* will just randomly start quoting the "MaKiN' mY wAy To MaKoTo" thing. Good to know that that's gonna haunt me for the rest of my life!

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