Chapter 2

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm on what would've been a normal school day. It was pretty normal for the first half of the day, at least. I get through the morning's classes without any issues, so you'd think the rest of the day would be normal too, right? Well, not today. Just when I thought I was going to have a completely average day, lunch time happened.

Sakura, Hina, and I sit down together at our normal table and begin to eat. I look up from my lunch for a second, and suddenly I see someone charging at our table with something in their hand. Don't be alarmed, though, they don't have a weapon. Ibuki Mioda runs up to us and places a box on the table.

"Ibuki would like for you to join us in a game of Uno!" She bounces in her seat as she says this.

"Us? Who else is playing?" As I ask that, the rest of the group walks towards us. An angry Taka follows closely behind them, preparing to reprimand Ibuki for running over here.

"Running is not welcome in a school environment! Now, why is there such a large group over here? Are you doing something illegal?" Taka crosses his arms and looks over at all of us.

"Nope! Ibuki just wants to play Uno with friends! The author was bored and didn't know what to write, so now this is happening!" Ibuki pokes Taka's arm as she says, "do you wanna join us?"

He looks shocked by her question, but shakes his head and politely leaves. His friend, Mondo, stays behind and joins us.

We all decided to play, so Ibuki and the others sit down and start dealing out cards. It was a pretty strange sight to anyone who wasn't at the table, considering the group that was here. The group was Sakura, Hina, Mondo, Ibuki, Sonia, Mahiru, Gundham, and myself. How we managed to get Gundham or Mondo, I'll never know.

The first game ends pretty quickly, as Hina had a really good hand that she beat us with. The second round lasts a bit longer, but this time the winner is Gundham. By that point, everyone was yelling at each other. It wasn't a pretty sight, so most people decide to stop playing.

"I'm up for one more round if anyone else is. Unless you're all too scared to face me, that is." Mondo smirked at me as he said this. Does he really think he can challenge me and then get away with it?

"I'll play." I stare him down as I start to deal the cards.

"Alright. Y/N, since you aren't a pussy like some of the others over there, how about we make this a challenge?"

I don't really know if I can trust this if it's coming from Mondo, but I agree anyway. By this point, there is a large crowd of people around us. I didn't know that high school students were so excited by a card game, but here we are.

"If I win, then you have to wear an inflatable dinosaur costume for the full school day tomorrow, sound fair?" This smug man thinks he can beat me? Fine, let the game begin.

Taka comes over to me and whispers a request in my ear, which I agree to. "Alright, Mondo, I'll do that if you win. You won't win, though, and then you'll have to refrain from swearing for an entire day. Sound fair?" He agrees, and we begin the game.

With the stakes set, and the audience excited, we flip the first card. We go back and forth for a bit, drawing here and there, but then it starts to get exciting. I end up with a fairly large hand, and Mondo calls Uno. I had a wild, but I didn't know what color he had, so there was a chance that I would lose. I stare him down, call green, and hope for the best.

He flips me off and proceeds to draw more cards. The color quickly ends up red, and a slight smirk then forms on Mondo's face. He skips me a few times, makes me draw two, then places down a regular card, saying a "fuck you" to me every time he places a card. Real mature, butter boy.

After Mondo literally threatens the cards in his hand, the game ends up getting somewhere. Mondo puts down a swap-hands card, so we switch. I'm now left with his hand of thirteen cards, none of them being green. Lovely. The game progresses, as games do, and the color is red once again. Mondo puts down another chain of red skips and such, making sure to say "fuck you" after each card. As to be expected from him, I guess. After my turn, he places down a red two and calls Uno. I don't know what he has, so I place down my blue two. This, as it turns out, was a horrible decision.

Mondo places down a red two, and ends the game. The crowd is going nuts at this point, with some happy and others disappointed. Mondo laughs as he receives praise from his friends. I do notice something pretty interesting though. Mondo seems to be blushing a bit. I wasn't expecting this, but that means he either has a crush on Taka or Chihiro. Good to know.

"Good game, Y/N. Now I have some good news and bad news for you. The bad news is that you lost, so I'll bring you your dinosaur costume tomorrow. The good news is that I'm a generous man, and I'd be willing to do a rematch...on one condition. That condition being, we raise the stakes even higher."

Of course that's his one condition. I look over at the crowd towards Sakura and Hina, and I make eye contact with Sakura. Was she already looking at me? Anyways, she nods at me, as if to tell me to take on his challenge. I nod back at her and look at Mondo. "Fine. Let's raise the stakes. If I win, on top of what you had to do before, now you'll also have to do something a bit worse. You'll have to ask out whoever it is you have a crush on."

He turns slightly pink and says, "and how do you know that I even like somebody? I might not for all you know."

He really thinks he's being slick, doesn't he? "Tell that to your face, Owada, you're all red."

He gives me a death glare but he agrees anyway. "Fine. But when you lose, you'll have to go up to each of our classmates individually, and say a pickup line to them. While wearing the dino costume we discussed earlier."

I, after feeling a random boost in confidence, agree and deal the cards. After a minute of playing, I realize how bad my decision was. This realization was prompted by Mondo calling Uno, then proceeding to win it all.

We shake hands, and he tells me that he'll bring the costume in tomorrow. Great. Then, the bell rings and we all head to our classes.

On the way to class, Hina tries to cheer me up by saying how good I did and that Mondo was just a really difficult opponent. Her optimism helps a little, but I still am not looking forward to being a dino for a day and saying pickup lines to everyone. Wait. He said everyone in our class, and Sakura is in our class. Crap.

A/N: Hi everyone! I just wanted to quickly say thank you to everyone who has read this so far, so thank you! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, as I made a couple of my friends play Uno in order to decide the outcome of the chapter. Reis, I know you're going to read this, and I still wish you would've won.

Cherry Blossom (Sakura Ogami x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now