Chapter 10

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A/N: Sooo the original plan was for this story to have a few more chapters, but I think this is gonna be the last one. Worry not, however! I do have an epilogue planned (where I'll end up putting my Last Chapter Sappy Author's Note™) and possibly a few other bonus chapters. Anywho, on with the chapter!!

3rd Person POV

Y/N knew she should've just returned to her seat like the other members of the group, but unfortunately, she didn't. Embarrassed and in a panic from kissing her crush in front of everyone, she ran out into the hallway and didn't look back for a second. The entire class, including their teacher, stared as Y/N fled from the room. Most of the students looked around in confusion, trying to figure out why she ran. Her friends, on the other hand, gave each other worried looks from their respective seats. Besides Junko, that is. Junko was on the floor crying with laughter.

Finally, Sakura spoke up, "does anyone know why Y/N left so abruptly?" Even those who weren't very close to Sakura could tell from her voice how worried she was.

From the back of the room, Mondo and Aoi exchanged glances. Both knew that Y/N liked Sakura, just as they knew that this crush of hers was the reason for her fleeing. Both students weighed their options, trying to decide if telling Sakura would be the right move. Anything to make their friend feel better, right?

Before either of them got the chance to speak up, Monokuma did it for them. "Geez, isn't it obvious?

"Isn't what obvious?" Sakura asked carefully, hoping that Monokuma would confirm her suspicions.

"Kids these days with their obliviousness," he mumbled to himself, "she clearly likes you and was embarrassed by kissing her crush for the first time in front of an audience! Soooo, are you gonna go after her?"

Sakura looked over at Hina, who gave her a grin and a thumbs up. She then nodded, before leaving to go find Y/N.

The class cheered for the martial artist, all fully aware that she and Y/N would soon be a couple.

"Wait, does she even know where Y/N might be?" Hiro asked.

"Yeah, and what if Y/N went outside just so we wouldn't find her. It's raining pretty hard, so the poor girl is gonna get soaked!" Sayaka chimed in.

Y/N's friends all stared at the door, waiting for the girls to come back.



After running from the classroom, I didn't really know where to go. I just let my feet carry me wherever; as long as it was far enough away from class, that is. I ended up at the bench right outside the front entrance of the building. How I wasn't caught and reprimanded for leaving I'll never know. Despite the heavy rain drenching me and all my surroundings, I sat down and took out my phone.

Blocking the screen with my hand, I hit shuffle on my playlist and turned up the volume. Instantly, the beginning notes of Electric Love began to fill the air around me. Throughout the entire first verse, I was so absorbed in the music that the rest of the world seemed to disappear. Until she cleared her throat, that is.

Baby, you're like lightning in a bottle

"Hey, Sakura, what are you doing here?"

She smiled gently down at me, "checking up on you. We were all very worried when you ran out like that."

I can't let you go now that I got it

"Really? I'm really sorry for worrying you all like that."

She looked around, seemingly hesitant to speak. "Y/N, why did you run off?"

My ring suddenly seemed to be a lot more interesting than this conversation, so I began to play with that while trying to think of a convincing lie. "Well, I was just, uh, really overwhelmed by the audience...?"


And all I need is to be struck

I timidly looked up to see that she had moved a bit closer to me than she was before. Does she know?? Have I been figured out??

"I know you like me."

SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT ABORT MISSION! I tried to quickly stutter out an apology, but she cut me off.

"It's okay, Y/N, I like you too."

"Really?" I asked, thinking this might be a dream.

She nodded, before taking my hand in hers. "This may be a bit sudden, but may I kiss you?"

I quickly nodded before allowing her to close the gap between us.

By your electric love

Cherry Blossom (Sakura Ogami x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now