Family Picnics

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Disclaimer: I don't own Ninjago, just the story and my OC's.

This takes place about 7 months after "Ninjago Next Generation: Normal Life, SO NOT ended.

"Are we seriously having a family picnic?" Justin asked.

"Yes, we are," Jay responded to his son. "It's a beautiful day and it would be nice to spend some time as a family."

"What do you have against family time?" Alex asked her brother.

"I just kind of...was hoping for..." Justin started drifting off. Alex gave him a look that said 'you better spill.' Justin sighed. "I wanted to spend more time with Rosie. There! Are you happy?!"

"I'm stuck on this family picnic too. Not that I don't like spending time with dad, but I could be hanging out with Max."

"Would you two please stop complaining?" Nya said. "Your grandparents don't want to hear it. We haven't seen them in a while and they want to catch up on all of the exciting things you've been doing."

"But does our whole team have to be in different parts of the park with their families?" Alex asked.

"Everyone wants to spend time with their families," Jay said.

The four of them start to walk to a couple of picnic tables where Ed, Edna, Ray, and Maya are waiting.

"There's our grandkids," Edna says and walks up to Justin and Alex with Ed following her and gives them a big hug. "You're both so big."

"Well, we are 16, grandma" Justin said.

"Don't smother them dear," Ed said.

"Thanks grandpa," Alex said.

"Anytime." Ed always tries to act like the cool grandparent with them even though it never works. Justin and Alex just go along with it.

"We haven't seen you two since you stopped your first villains," Maya said as she and Ray hugged their oldest grandkids.

"Nya, where's your brother?" Ray asked.

"He should be here soon," Nya said. "You know Kai. He's never punctual."

"That's because he always has to make sure his hair is 'perfect,'" Jay added.

"True," Maya said.

"How have you been Jay?" Ray asked his son-in-law.

"I've been good," Jay responds as he shakes Ray's hand.

"How has he really been Alex?"

"He's the best father I could ever have," Alex responds.

Ray always teases Jay by asking Alex questions, but Alex always says good things about Jay because of their close relationship. "I would hope so," Ray says.

"There they are," Maya says as Kai, Skylor, Juliet, and Zeke are walking up to them.

"Grandma! Grandpa!" Zeke calls out as he run up to Ray and Maya to hug them.

Juliet walks up after. "Hi grandma and grandpa," Juliet says as she hugs her grandparents.

"It's good to see you guys again," Maya said.

Juliet breaks from the hug to greet the other older couple. "Hello Ed and Edna."

"Hello Juliet dear," Edna said. "It's good to see you."

"Your late," Ray said.

"Sorry dad," Kai said.

"How are you Skylor?"

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