Blame Game

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Disclaimer: I don't own Ninjago, just the story and my OC's.

The young ninjas got back to the monastery and brought Justin and Alex over to the couch in the living room for them to sit down and rest.  When their parents saw that all of them were home, they all came running in.

"Justin!  Alex!  Are you alright?!" Nya said as she and Jay went running up to their kids.

"We're ok mom," Justin said as he tried to stand up.  When he tried, he immediately felt dizzy and almost fell over.  Luckily, Max was right there and managed to catch him.

"Take it easy, dude," Max said.  "You're as disoriented as you were when you got drunk at that party."

"I'm sorry.  He did what?!" Nya said angrily.

"Dude!" Justin yelled at his best friend.

"Yeah," Max said.  "Probably shouldn't have said that."

Justin thought of something to say quick.  "Alex slept with Max!" he blurted out.

Alex and Max looked down and avoided eye contact with everyone.

"Is this true, Alex?" Jay asked.

This time, Alex thought of what to say.  "Zeke tried to reprogram Felix!"

"Zeke, why would you do that to Felix?!" Skylor asked angrily.

Zeke looked away and thought of what to say.  "Juliet snuck out one night with Mason!"

"What is this?  The blame game?" Mason asked.  He then turned to Zeke.  "Also, how do you know about that?!"

"At the family picnic we had, the four of us played a game where we told each other the worst thing we did that our parents don't know about," Juliet said.

"Please, don't ever play that game again," Max said.

"After this, I don't think we ever will," Alex said.

"Juliet, we will talk about what you did later," Kai said.

"In my defense, we wanted to get away from your constant hovering and make it so Master Cole wasn't stalking us," Juliet said.

"Cole, have you been stalking our son and his girlfriend?" Seliel asked.

Cole rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.  "Maybe a little," Cole said.  "The more important matter is that they shouldn't have snuck out."

"You are all in trouble," Lloyd told the kids.

"Except for me, Rosie, and Felix," Harper said.  "We're in the clear."

"That is true, unless there is anything you guys would like to tell us," Zane said.

"No!" the three said in unison.

"How much damage was done to the city?" Alex asked, changing the subject.

"Power got knocked out in a few places and there was some minor flooding," Lloyd said.  "Nothing too bad, though.  It could've been a lot worse.  Ninjago City has been through a lot worse."

"That's good," Alex said relieved.

"Why don't we take you and your brother to go get some rest," Jay told his daughter.

"Ok."  Jay and Nya helped their children to their rooms with assistance from Kai and Skylor.

"Max, your mother and I would like to talk to you for a minute," Lloyd told his son.

"Sure," Max said and followed his parents.  "What is it?"

"You went after them when we specifically told you not to!" Britney said angrily.

"Justin is my best friend and Alex is my girlfriend!  I had to save them!"

"You had already gotten hurt!  You could've gotten hurt worse!"

"Brit, honey, calm down," Lloyd said calmly while rubbing comforting circles on her back.

Britney turned to Lloyd.  "I don't want to risk losing him," she whispered to her husband.

"I know.  Neither do I," he whispered back.  "Unfortunately, I know where he gets this stubbornness from.  I used to disobey my dad just like he did."

"He takes after you a lot, doesn't he?"

"He does.  Be glad he didn't go through an evil phase."

"You weren't a very good villain anyways."

"I made a way better green ninja than a villain."

Max cleared his throat, tired of standing there awkwardly.  "Do you want to continue yelling at me or-"

Lloyd cut his son off.  "I understand why you did it, but I still don't like it.  You can be too much like me sometimes and it worries me."

"I know.  I just...I couldn't stay here knowing they were in danger."

"That's what makes you a hero."

"I can still go to the junior prom, right?" Max asked nervously.

"Of course.  We don't want you missing that.  Although, there is one thing we still have to talk about.  You slept with Alex?"

Max cringed.  "I did...but that was it.  I swear."

"Nothing more happened?" Britney asked as she stared down her son.

"No!  Nothing!"

"Ok," Britney said.  "Why don't you go to you room and lay down for a bit?  You still aren't completely healed and you just saved the twins."

"Ok mom."  Max started to walk away, but turned back to his parents before he left.  "I'm sorry to have worried you.  I'll stay in my room this time."  He waved and went to his room.

"Do you believe him?" Britney asked her husband.

"This time...I do," Lloyd responded.  "He has no reason to sneak out right now."

"I guess you're right.  You know I hate how stressful it can be knowing that our son's life is constantly in danger."

"I know.  I never knew how my mom felt whenever I would have to go save Ninjago.  Now, I know.  It's hard."


"You know, you were the one who said yes when I proposed."

"Unfortunately, I can't say I didn't know what I was getting into."

"This is our life."

Britney wrapped her arms around Lloyd.  "I'm just glad he has the team looking after him."

"Me too."  Lloyd pulled her close.  "I know from personal experience how much easier it is with a team.  Now, what do you say we get some popcorn and watch the new live action "Mulan" tonight?"

Britney broke away and looked Lloyd in the eyes with a smile on her face.  "Really?"

"Yeah.  She's a strong warrior and I know you've been dying to see it."

"That sounds nice."

"Great.  I'll get the popcorn.  You get the movie set up."

"Sure thing."  Britney started walking to the living room while Lloyd went into the kitchen.  At least, they could end the night on a positive note.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed!

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