Prom Night Part 2

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Disclaimer: I don't own Ninjago or "Because You Live" by Jesse McCartney, just the story and my OC's.

"Riding in a limo is amazing!" Alex exclaimed excitedly.

"Why do you think we got it?" Max asked jokingly.  Alex playfully punched him in the arm.

"It better be worth it for the amount we paid," Justin said.

"It was a very nice thing that you two did for us," Rosie said and leaned her head on her boyfriend's shoulder.

"Well, that's not all we got."  Justin and Max pulled out boxes with corsages in them from under their seats.  "We kind of had the driver store them in here ahead of time."

"It's beautiful," Rosie said as Justin started to put the corsage on her.

"How much money did you guys spend?" Alex asked.

"Enough," Max responded as he put the corsage he got Alex on her.  "But it was all worth it."


"Just kiss her already.  You've been dating her long enough.  It shouldn't be this hard," Mason told himself.  "And now I'm talking to myself.  I must be going crazy."

"You're trying to convince yourself to kiss Juliet?" Harper asked in the doorway of Mason's room.

"AHH!!!" Mason screamed, startled by Harper.  "How long have you been there?"

"Long enough...and by the way, yes.  You are going crazy."

"Thanks a lot," Mason said sarcastically.

"What are you so worried about?"

"What if I do something wrong?  What if my breath stinks?  What if I'm a bad kisser?  I've never kissed a girl before.  I might be bad at it and if I am, she could leave m-"

Harper interrupted her brother.  "Woah.  Stop rambling.  You've never been this worried about anything."

"I was worried about telling Juliet I liked her originally, but I was able to hide that wothout anyone finding out."

"Wow.  You can fight bad guys without a second thought, but when it comes to girls, you hesitate."

"You know, I really hate when my little sister is right."

"I know."


The limo pulled up to where the prom was being held to the high school.  The seniors were having their prom at Laughy's, but the junior prom was in the gym at the high school.  Everyone who was walking into the school stopped to look at the limo that just pulled up.  They watched as the three elemental masters and samurai emerged from the limo.

"Now what?" Rosie asked.  She had never been to a school dance before.

"Now, we have to go to the ticket stand," Justin told his girlfriend as the four of them walked to where the ticket stand was which was in front of the gym.

"Tickets please," the teacher said at the ticket stand.  They handed the teacher their tickets.  "Thank you.  Please go over to get a breathalyzer test before you go in."

"We have to do a breathalyzer test now?" Max asked as they walked to take the breathalyzer test.  "What even is a breathalyzer test?!"'

"A breathalyzer test is a test to see if there is any alcohol in your system," Rosie said.

"Wow," Justin said.  "They really don't trust their students."

"Says the guy who has gotten drunk before," Max said.

"Uh...fair point."

"I heard that the school was going to start doing this, but I thought it was just a rumor," Alex said.

The four of them took the breathalyzer test and were permitted to enter the gym.  When they entered, they saw the gym decorated to look like a starry night with moon and star decorations hanging from the ceiling.

"Wow," Rosie said.

"It's beautiful," Alex said.

The four of them walked over to a dance-off circle they saw forming and went to go watch it.  The saw one of their vice principles, Mr. Lopez, schooling the captain of the football team, Levi.  No matter how hard Levi tried, it seemed Mr. Lopez was the better dancer.  Mr. Lopez was the cool vice principal.  He was loved by the students because he's willing to joke around with them and get into contests with them, like the dance-off.  Levi was kind of stuck up and acted like he owned the school since he was the captain of the football team and he's actually a pretty good dancer.  Eventually, Levi surrendered to Mr. Lopez and no one else dared to challenge him.

"Who would've thought that Mr. Lopez could dance?" Justin said.

"Not me.  That's for sure," Max said.

Mr. Lopez also happened to be one of the only faculty members of the school who happened to be quite fond of the ninja kids.  "There are my ninja peeps!" Mr. Lopez said as he walked over to Justin, Alex, Max, and Rosie.

"What up, Mr. Lopez?" Justin said.

"Any ninja business you want to tell me."

"Not really," Max said.

"We're just trying to have a fun and normal night," Alex said.

"Rosie, aren't you a freshman?" Mr. Lopez asked.

"I am," Rosie said.  "But I happen to be dating a junior."

"Right.  You're dating Justin."  One of the other teachers started to call Mr. Lopez over.  "Well, I'll see you later.  I'll be wondering around if you want to talk more."  Mr. Lopez walked off to find out what the teacher wanted.

"Mr. Lopez really is the cool vice principal," Max said.

"And he likes us," Justin added.

The DJ started playing "Because You Live" by Jesse McCartney (the song above) which was slower than the song he was previously playing.

"I love this song!" Alex exclaimed and then started to bat her eyes at Max.  "Can we-"

"Dance?" Max cut her off.  Alex nodded.  "Sure."  Max and Alex went onto the dance floor and Max held Alex close as they danced.

Justin held his hand out to Rosie.  "Care to dance?" he asked.

"I would love to," Rosie said as she took Justin's hand and the two of them went onto the dance floor.

As the song came to an end, there was an explosion by the entrance to the gym.  When the dust cleared, Justin, Alex, Max, and Rosie all immediately recognized who was attacking the prom.  Aaron stepped through the rubble.  "Guess who's back."

A/N: I hope you enjoyed!

Also, I published a new story called "Careful What You Wish For".  It's a oneshot that centers around Lloyd, but it was an idea that popped into my head and I just had to write it.  It does have some minor Jaya, Kailor, and Pixane.  Go ahead and check that story out if you're interested.

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