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Disclaimer: I don't own Ninjago, just the story and my OC's.

Max's POV

I can't just stay in my room! My best friend and girlfriend were taken! I have to find them!

We grew up together. I was born a couple of months after Justin and Alex and we ended up close because of that. We've always been there for each other and right now, their lives could be in danger. There is no way I'm obeying my dad's orders.

I may not be at full strength, but I know if the rolls were reversed, they'd come for me no matter what. I grab my green ninja gi, grab a couple of katanas I keep in my closet in case anyone attacks the monastery, and climb out the window. I know that Master Jay and Master Nya are most likely in the Samurai X Cave, looking for Justin and Alex. My dad has been telling me about that and how Master Kai has been trying to get them to at least get some sleep, but they refuse. Master Cole has started helping Master Kai. I'm not going to try to go there. My best bet would be using the Bounty.

I carefully sneak over to the Bounty. If I get caught, they'll force me back to bed. Lucky for me, I'm a ninja. I can do this.

I manage to get to where we parked the Bounty and get in. I go straight to the control room. I may not know where Justin and Alex are, but I will find them.

"What do you think you are doing?" I turn my head to see Rosie standing there in her Samurai X armor.

"N-Nothing," I stutter.

"You are looking for Justin and Alex." She walks closer to me. "I know where they are."

That was not what I was expecting. "How do you know?"

"Alex managed to get a message to me. I set up a secret frequency with her in case of emergencies a while ago. I tracked the signal she sent." She starts putting in the location. "I already got my mech ready.

"I can't ask you to go with me."

"There is no way I'm staying here!" She looked up at me and crossed her arms. "Justin is my boyfriend! I love him, just like you love Alex! I want to be able to go to the junior prom with him, but that won't happen unless we save them!"

I nodded. "You're right. It just..." I sighed. "It could get dangerous."

"Believe me, I know. Alex's message said that the guys who took them want them because of some twin power that they supposedly possess."

"Twin power?"

"That is what she said. Whoever took them wants to use it to take over Ninjago."

I couldn't believe what Rosie was saying.  That's the whole reason they were taken?  "We have to find them!"

"Not alone!" We turned to see the rest of the team in their ninja gis. Mason was the one who spoke. "You guys are not going to find them without us."

"We're a team," Juliet said. "And our team includes Justin and Alex. Plus, they're my cousins."

Mason walked up to me and pointed at me. "And you're not in the best condition for a fight."

"I know," I admit. "But I can't just stay here when my best friend and girlfriend are in danger."

Mason smirked at me. "We knew you wouldn't do what you were told."

"You did?"

"Yeah," Juliet said. "We also knew that Rosie would join you."

"You guys knew we would come here?" Rosie said.

"It was a hunch," Mason said cockily.

"Are you guys sure about this?" I ask. "It will probably be dangerous."

"What isn't dangerous in our lives? We're elemental masters."

"We're in all the way," Juliet said.

"I want my cousins back," Zeke said.

"There's no way you're going without me," Harper said.

"I am in also," Felix said.

"Ok," I said. "Rosie, is the location locked in?"

"Yes Max," Rosie said.

"Mason, I'm going to need you to be my temporary second-in-command."

"Cool," Mason said with a huge smile. "Wait...Alex is your second-in-command and since she's not here, you want me to temporarily fill her position. Does that make me third-in-command?"

"No. Justin is my third-in-command, but he's not here either. You're fourth-in-command."

Mason's smile fades. "You've got to be kidding me!"

"That's better than me," Juliet tells her boyfriend comfortingly. "Hey Max! What about me?"

"You're fifth-in-command," I tell her.

"See. I'm after you," Juliet tells Mason.

"Is everyone ready?" I ask everyone. They all nod. "Rosie, take us to our destination." She nods as she goes to the steering wheel. As we leave, a thought pops into my head: We are so going to be in trouble when we get back.

Samurai X Cave

Kai's POV

I haven't been able to pull Jay and Nya out of the Samurai X Cave. It's been two days and they haven't left it at all. I keep trying and trying, but it's no use. I've been bringing them down their meals and then have to force them to eat it. Luckily, Cole has started helping me now. I could use his help with how stubborn Jay and Nya are being. They haven't slept at all during the two days either.

"Any luck?" Cole asked as he walked in.

"Nothing," I told him.

"We can't really blame them. It is their kids."

"I know and we will find them, but...doing this isn't healthy for them."

"I agree. What do we do?"

I sighed. "I don't know how we can get them to take a break."

All of a sudden, the others ran in with worry evident on their faces.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Max is gone!" Lloyd said. He was looking extremely worried since Max was supposed to be resting. For the first time since Justin and Alex went missing, Jay and Nya look away from the screen.

"We can't find the other kids either!" Skylor said. "What if something bad happened?!"

"I believe that they went to go find Justin and Alex," Zane said. We all turned towards him.

"Are you sure?" Cole asked.

"The Bounty is gone."

"They went against our orders," Lloyd said. I could tell he was both angry and worried because that would mean that Max went against orders. The new team follow Max blindly which means that if Max disobeys orders, the rest of the team will disobey orders.

"They're just like us," I try to reassure Lloyd.

"That's what scares me."

A/N: I hope you enjoyed! I just started online school, so if my updates are slower, that's why.

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