School Project and Sports

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Disclaimer: I don't own Ninjago, just the story and my OC's.

Ninjago Middle School

Zeke, Harper, and Felix were in their history class, waiting for class to start when Kyara, Joseph, and Sarah walked up to them.

"Where have you guys been the last few days?" Kyara asked.

"We need to finish the project which we only have until Monday to do," Sarah said.

"Come on," Joseph said to Kyara and Sarah.  "Give them a break.  I'm sure they had a good reason that most likely has to do with the small power outages and flooding that we had a few days ago."

"That actually could've been a lot worse," Harper said.

"So, what happened?"

"My cousins were taken," Zeke said.  "We had to find and save them.  We did though, but our parents wanted to keep us home for a few extra days."

"You're cousins are the masters of lightning and water, right?" Kyara asked.


"How are they doing?"

"They're a little shaken, but they're fine.  I think that they're just looking forward to their junior prom."

"We've worked on the project as much as we could when you guys weren't here," Sarah said.

"That is much appreciated," Felix said.

"We got some information from our parents to use for the project," Harper said.

"That will help a lot.  Thanks," Joseph said.

The bell for class to start rang.

"Meet after school in front of the office?" Kyara asked.  They all nodded.  "See ya then."  Kyara, Joseph, and Sarah walked over to their desks.

"Back to crushing on them while working on a school project," Zeke said.

Ninjago High School

Max walked up to Justin and Alex who were at their lockers.  "Hey guys," Max said.  "How are you doing?"

"Fine," Justin said.  "Except for the fact that my parents are probably never going to let me go to a party ever again.  Thanks for that, by the way."

"Sorry.  I didn't mean to let that slip out.  Although, now I'm in trouble too because of you."  Max pointed at Justin.

"And you dragged me down with him," Alex told Justin.

"That was just the first thing that came to mind and I was trying to get the attention off of me," Justin said.

"So, you tell them about me sleeping with Max?!  I'm lucky dad is still ok with us dating!"

"Our dad is one to talk anyways, considering that we were born before our parents even got married!"

"I guess you have a point."

Justin pointed at Alex.  "And you got Zeke in trouble afterwards."

"And he got Juliet and Mason in trouble.  Your point?"

"I'm just saying, you also ended up pointing the finger to get the attention off of you."

"The only people that didn't get in trouble were Rosie, Harper, and Felix," Max said.  "Maybe we should find something to get them in trouble for."

"No!" Justin said.  "You are not getting my girlfriend in trouble!  Harper and Felix are fair game, but Rosie is off limits."

"Fine.  I won't do anything.  By the way, did you reserve the limo?"

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