That's... Sweet

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    "Ash?" Clara called out into the empty TARDIS. No response. "Ashildr?"
    Clara grumbled to herself and set off through the winding corridors to find her. Ashildr did this periodically; vanished right out of the universe only to reappear an hour or so later and act as if nothing had happened. Most of the time, Clara put it down to a need for space of her own - when you live with someone, you need the alone time.
      However, this time, there was an important task in which Clara needed assistance; a duty of incredible difficulty and value; an event which could shake the very cosmos.
        Clara couldn't open the pickle jar and needed to borrow Ashildr's sword arm.
     The TARDIS loomed. Unhelpful. Vast. To get lost in these corridors was an easy fall from a cliff you couldn't see coming. Clara was prepared to scower. In fact, she expected it. Ashildr could be anywhere along the meters of corridor or in any one of a dozen rooms. Of course, there were her usual haunts: the control room, their bedroom, the home cinema, and the unnaproved forge (the TARDIS had thrown it out for Ashildr before Clara had had any say in the matter), but all of these turned up empty. Normally, Clara would call and ask where she was, but Ashildr had left her mobile on the counter in the diner, so that wasn't much help.
       Just as she was preparing to give up and sit in the lounge with some tea for a bit, a door caught her eye. What's more, a door she didn't recognise. How could she miss an entire room?
       Clara held her hand in front of her, debating whether or not to open the door for a second. Maybe she hadn't noticed it for a reason. Against all her better judgements, ignoring the fear coursing through her and focussing instead on the adrenaline, she took a breath, turned the handle, and gently pushed open the door.
      Anticlimax. Not a single threatening thing. She tried very hard not to be disappointed.
      The room was small, perhaps the smallest in the TARDIS, barely making two by six meters. The four walls were flat but packed floor to ceiling with post-its in yellow and pink; only the roof and carpet were free from the sea of notes. To the back of the rectangular room were three stairs that led to a half-floor also drowning in post-its. Clara walked straight forward and snapped one of the small squares of paper off the wall. On it read, "Sometimes, like when she holds me down and tickles me until I can't breathe, I remember that we are children gifted eternity."
       "Huh." She stuck the post-it back on the wall. "Sounds like something I would say."
       "You did say that."
        Clara jumped half out of her skin. Ashildr flashed a brief, apologetic smile; her natural light-footedness meant that she would accidentally stealth-attack Clara at least twice a week. They put it down to the years of being a professional highwayman, although both had their doubts - it is impossible to tell when one picks up their habits when one can remember their life. Obviously this room was L-shaped and the rest of the room had been hidden from view.
       Clara blew out a shaky breath. "What exactly is this all?"
       "This is mentions of me. From your diaries. I come in here when I get sad, or if we've had a fight, or something to that affect." Ashildr jumped down the stairs, skipping all three, before slinging her arm around Clara's shoulders and planting a kiss on her cheek. "You weren't supposed to know about this place. What's that quote from that song you like?"
       "Could you be any less specific?"
        They laughed together for a second before Clara turned back to the wall. "I don't remember half of these," she muttered.
       "Not even this one?" Ashildr pointed to a specific post-it halfway up the wall which seemed to retell the story of a planet which had erected statues of the Doctor left right and centre to be worshiped as a deity. Clara shook her head in response: not a trip she recalled, unfortunately. Ashildr shrugged. "That's a shame."
          "'You'd be a better memory if no one else forgot,' eh?"
          "That's it! That's the quote!"
           Clara watched Ashildr's mindless excitement from the corner of her eye. It didn't matter where they got to, where they'd been or where they were off to, that adorable passion that shone through to create such a genuine joy always made Clara's heart melt. She laughed again and rested her head on Ashildr's shoulder.

A/N - sorry lads my paragraph indents seem to have a very fluid relationship with reality + song quoted because it slaps 

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