Old Hearts

46 4 3

I knew you from my old heart,
From souls entwined
Memoirs echo behind,
a heart of knowing binds.

Of a faraway, long ago,
Maybe you were a bee,
Sailing to catch a flower
from the field of sea.

From seeking finally,
There you see
A couple of sweet Lilys
In the Lilies Island,
There you landed gently.

Crossing paths,
an affix was granted
From the sweet substance reward
A connection made.

But there in time,
everything should end
Each souls needed to mend,
and once be recasted.

Before parting these are the last words both had said,

"When memory would be blurry,
and names would be forgotten; be not be afraid because I'll remember you from my old heart."

For Carlos Andrés

Spoken Word PoetryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon