To the guy who never said goodbye

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To the guy who never
said goodbye,
To the guy who
left me without
saying the reasons why,
I want you to know that
I still cry myself to sleep,
Memories hunting me,
that keeps drowning me deep.

I keep on asking myself
what's the reason why
you left, on how your
feelings changed in just
one flicked, I still
wonder why are your
promises just lies?

To the guy who never
said goodbye,
I'm sorry I failed,
I failed to make you stay,
But in every sway,
You still get in the way.

Please stop running in my mind
and lead me the way,
A road, a street of melodies,
That will keep me away.

Away in this sorrow,
Away from this painstaking
path full of shadow,
A shadow of the past
That keeps on chasing,
And all I can think of is
am I just wasting?

To the guy who never
said goodbye,
I wish time will come that
I would know why,
When will you stop
making me cry?
Because I'm tired
weeping this tears
till it dries.

To the guy who never
said goodbye,
I want you to know
that I miss you
I badly do,
But I have nothing to do,
But to stare in thousand
sunsets without you.

I want you to know that
I forgive you,
I forgive because
I love you,
Oh, yes I still love you,
And I hate myself
because I still do

To the guy who never
said goodbye,
But left without even
trying to tell me why,
I wish you happiness,
A life away from sadness
And one last thing,
I want you to know that
you're my everything.

I will keep you in
my heart forever,
I will treasure all
the memories of us together,
It's sad because all I can
do now, is to just look back,
If only I could take it all back.

But I can't 'cause
now I'm stuck,
Stuck in between of
Before and after that,
I've lost my track.


Sorry guys I don't know how to end this poem huhubells

Nevertheless thankyou for reading
Spreading love to all the broken hearts out there. ❤

Spoken Word PoetryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon