Invisible existence

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"The eyes never lie", they say

"Believe what you see", they preach

But what about the emotions and thoughts that lie deep within,

Ones invisible to your eyes.

A hundred thoughts run in our head,

Those that others cannot begin to imagine.

A thousand emotions reflect in our eyes,

Those left unseen by the rest.

The happiness seen by the twinkle of their eyes,

The only ones you ever understand.

But that happiness is also what you destroy,

By not looking closely enough at what lies deep within.

The sadness that gets us dull,

The fear that makes us shake,

The anger that makes our blood boil,

Or the pain that reflects our sufferings.

"Everyone has demons", you might say

And it could not be any more true.

But these demons come in different shapes and sizes,

And haunt us through the night.

These demons are what reflect in our eyes,

But we choose to leave them unseen.

Our eyes scream and cry for help,

But we choose to leave it unheard.

This might make you wonder,

Everything in this world,

Are you truly seeing it?

Or is it just another invisible existence?

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