1. The Vackers

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OFFICIAL MESSAGE FROM THE COUNCIL: This is the memory log of Fitzroy Avery Vacker. Anything read in this is completely confidential and is not meant for prying eyes. To read this, you must have clearance from the Council itself. This memory log holds information that can collapse our world along with the other worlds we value with the upmost respect and love. However, information portrayed in this log paints a picture unlike the one we wish to be seen by civilians. Reading this without authorization will result in a Tribunal with the most likely result being Exile or a memory wipe.

My first memory is of my brother. His blue eyes, my mother's eyes, stared back at mine, my father's teal eyes. All he said was "Wonderboy is at it again". There was no sarcasm or anger in his tone, just sadness and longing. My parents, the great Alden and Della Vacker were at one of the Councillor's houses, meeting about the ban on pyrokinesis.The gnomes were out in our yard, growing whatever they pleased. My sister was to be born any day now, and my brother had been in that foul mood ever since her mother has said that our sister would be here very soon. He never showed them this side of him and this was the only time I saw the perfect son's mask slip. A week later Biana was born, her teal eyes, the same as mine, and her voice sounding just like my mother's. All Alvar did was sit in the room with us, staring at the 2 of us, our teal eyes staring at his deep blue eyes. We were the perfect family, everyone coming to look at the children, sure we continue to be the most prominent family for years to come. The day I manifested as a telepath, my brother happened to be home. This was one of the only times Alvar came to visit, but I thought it was because his first day of work and wanted to leave from the Vacker family home, or maybe he wanted to wish me good luck on my first day of Foxfire. I woke up and heard his thoughts, booming inside my head as if spoken "I'll never be forgiven by her if she finds out I didn't find anything in Father's office." I asked him why his boss needed something from Dad's office, since they were working for the same people. He looked at me and suddenly called downstairs "Father, wonderboy is a telepath, just like you". I heard my mother shriek distantly and drop my breakfast from the kitchen. My mother dashed up to my bedroom, her figure flickering as Vanishers do when they are excited. "I thought you might be a vanisher, like Alvar and I but I was mistaken!" My father walked into the room, his perfect smile gleaming as much as his teal eyes with pride. He said "You are the youngest to manifest and you are a Telepath. You will be an excellent addition to the Council one day." Alvar saw just how proud Dad was, and just for a second, his face fell. It was gone so fast, I must have imagined it. My brother was almost as powerful a Vanisher as my mother, whose Vanishing skills are legendary. He was recruited by the Council the year he graduated, which was unheard of. He had my parents' amazing looks, which stood out even with the elves. He had so many awards from Foxfire, I doubt he even knew what all of them were for. Most of all, he was a Vacker. Just being a Vacker got you the utmost respect from everyone, even the Councilors themselves! Why would he care that dad was proud of me for once? Biana was in her bedroom, no doubt putting on the most lavish dress she could find, for when everyone would visit my father and mother to see the youngest manifest. Biana knew that next year, she would become the prettiest First Year and easily most popular. We were the only Vackers of our generation so far, so we wouldn't have to compete with our cousins for the highest social class. I'll never tell Biana this, but I actually liked being friends with my sister. Alvar was always out, and he is so much older than us, we never actually got to really hang out. Dad was always working or at some Emissary gathering. Mom was almost always shopping or with Dad, so Biana was all I had before Foxfire. I know that being a Vacker is supposed to be great, but either kids are jealous of you, or scared of you just because I have a pure bloodline. I had a few friends of course, but we were in sort of a forced friendship because our fathers were of the same social class. The day I manifested was 3 things; The day Alvar was home, my first day of Foxfire, and the day Alvar was replaced. The 3rd sounds wrong, I know but Alvar was happy to give it up since he started working and wouldn't be able to do something the Council strictly forbade. Alvar left the room after patting me on the back and agreeing with dad, and mom hurried off to use her imparter to hail Foxfire and tell them I would need a telepathy mentor. Dad walked up to me and his teal eyes met my own, and said "I have a job for you."

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