Part 3

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San was sitting in Hongjoong and Hwanhee's little studio, after returning from his tour he took some time off to relax but Yeosang was planning to release a new album so he wanted to see if he could be of any help.

He was helping Yeosang go over his concepts and noting everything down so they had it on record, making it easier to plan everything else.

"Oh," Hongjoong said with a small frown, San and Yeosang looked at Hongjoong curiously, the boy opened an email and opened the attachment that came along with it.

It was a video of a boy, you could tell he was nervous, he was looking at someone behind the camera before he proceeded to introduce himself.

"Hello, I'm Seo Seungjun, I'm 17 years old and I will be auditioning to be an idol," the boy said, San got more and more curious and walked over to Hongjoong and looked at the boy and then it struck him.

"It's him" he muttered, Hongjoong looked at him curiously before turning his attention back to the boy, the boy sang but it wasn't anything special but Yeosang also joined them and all three shared the same expression.


None of them knew how to explain it, the boy started off not sounding special but then there was a glint in his eyes and suddenly his voice was suddenly a lot better.

"What was that?" Yeosang asked.

"I can't tell you even if I wanted to, I have no idea what just happened," Hongjoong told him.

"They were the same as back then," San said, still a little confused, "He was at my last concert, and his eyes... when I was walking past the barricades when our eyes met, I can't explain it to you exactly, it was like they were empty but they were still sparkling" San explained to them.

"Honestly I think he has the right training and he can be a good singer," Yeosang told them.

"Hmm, the principal wants to know if we are willing to take him on, all the other production teams are filled up and if we don't accept him he won't get in," Hongjoong told them.

They contemplated a bit... it wasn't exactly something they could decide on their own, Hwanhee had busy schedules and Hongjoong was already drowning in his work to produce not only for Seonghwa but for Hwanhee, Yeosang, and San, although San was a producer as well, but he only knew how to plan stages, and photoshoots but picking the music itself was still hard for him, but he was learning.

"I can take him... we will need help with music but I can help train him, I myself am an idol and I know how to produce, but if we take him that means our team would be full since we only have three producers so we each have one idol we are working with, Joong hyung has Hwa Hyung and Hwanhee has Yeosang but Joong hyung manages all our music" San spoke up.

"I am up for it, I have so much music stored," Hongjoong said tapping his hard drive "they will never get used unless we keep expanding"

"Then we should tell the principal that we will take him, the sooner he gets here the faster Sani can evaluate him and start working on his schedule," Yeosang said with a smile.

Hongjoong emailed the principal almost immediately, letting him know that they would take him.

Shortly after they received a second email telling them that Seungjun would room with Jongho, the two were the same age and Jongho was rooming alone..

The three couldn't wait to inform their friends and the moment they all got together they told them.

They were all a little worried that it would be too much for San since he was slowly but surely getting more and more popular but they could see the determination in his eyes so they let him be but they told him that if he ever struggled to stay afloat to just tell them and they would help out.

But his friends were proud of him along with the worry, they were proud that San was willing to take on something so big, they believed it would help San grow as an idol as well as a producer.

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