Part 5

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Seungjun's lessons started shortly after his arrival, and at first, it was okay, he did his best to keep up and he managed okay for someone who had no skill but as the lessons proceeded he couldn't keep up anymore he was starting to doubt himself and he often got scolded by the teachers for not doing well.

His fellow classmates would talk about how they doubt he entered like all of them, they assumed he paid to get into the school and that he was just there to play around and although they whispered these things among themselves Seungjun did hear them, and he was starting to wonder the same thing.

Just why did the school accept him? He had no talent, no skills...

But he wanted to prove them wrong, no matter what so he decided to stay after class to practice.

He would stay in the practice room until after 10 pm, he would dance his heart out trying to understand everything they did in class, and although he struggled he wanted to do his best, every time he thought about Gyumin and how much his little brother supported him, he didn't want to disappoint him.

One night when he was practicing a knock on the door broke him out of his concentration, when he turned to the door he found San who was smiling at him, the boy walked over to him.

"In here again I see," San said


"Are you okay? You seem a little sad"

"I am actually both sad and frustrated"


"No matter how much I practice I can't do this," Seungjun said with a bitter smile.

"Do you want some help?" San asked and the boy looked at him with big eyes.

"Yes please"

"Great, then let me help, let's start off with basics okay?" the boy nodded.

San started helping Seungjun with basic dances, teaching the boy how to pick up on the beats and the rhythm of the song, and in those three hours that they worked together, San could already see a bit of improvement in Seungjun's dancing.

San decided to walk Seungjun back to his dorm room once their practice ended.

"I'm sorry I haven't been much help, I'm supposed to be your producer, but instead I had work to do," San told the boy as they walked.

"It's okay hyung, you are still an idol so it makes sense"

"Still, I have some off time now so let's meet up after your lessons okay? I will help you as much as I possibly can, along with our private lessons we will meet in the morning to run so we can get your stamina up as well" San told the boy, Seungjun couldn't help but smile.

"Thank you hyung, I really appreciate it" San smiled at the boy and patted his head.

"Everything is hard the first time you do it but it gets easier as you keep going, just don't lose hope"

When they got to Seungjun's dorm they said their goodbyes but before Seungjun could get into his room San pulled him into a hug.

"Ignore the harsh words from others, you got in here because you have the talent to be here, you just need to learn how to unlock that talent that's all," San said, rubbing circles on the younger's back before breaking the hug and waving goodbye to the boy.

San wasn't oblivious to the comments others made about Seungjun, Jongho told him about everything others would say about the boy, rumors that spread among students, and he believed that's why Seungjun was looking sad and discouraged so he wanted to help the boy as much as he could, not just as his producer but as his friend as well.


The next morning before the sun even rose, San knocked on Jongho and Seungjun's bedroom door. Jongho was the one to open the door, he was still half asleep.

"Hyung, the sun isn't even up yet," Jongho said letting out a yawn.

"Hmm is Seungjun still asleep?"

"Yeah, come in hyung, I'll wake him up" San entered the room and looked towards Seungjun's bed, a small smile appeared on his face, the boy was sleeping curled up like a kitten, sleeping peacefully.

Jongho went over to the boy and shook him until he woke up.

"Jun, San Hyung is here to pick you up" Jongho mumbled before climbing back in his own bed.

Seungjun got up and looked at San with his eyes still half-closed.

"Come on sleeping beauty, we have a jog to go on" San said and the boy nodded a little and got out of bed, he opened his closet and took out clothes for running and went to get changed.

Once he came out he was a little more awake and he and San left the dorm room, they walked in silence until they got outside.

"I should've told you last night but I forgot but yeah we will meet up here every morning around this time to go jogging" the boy nodded a bit.

San helped him warm-up and then they started running, Seungjun struggled to keep up with San at first but he kept pushing himself until he could.

That became their everyday thing, they would meet early in the morning, go for a run, sometimes San would make Seungjun sing while running.

Slowly Seungjun started improving and although it was obvious to others Seungjun couldn't see his own progress at all.

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