𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧: 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫

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"KENNA!" He continues his attack on the door as they drag her away. "Please..." He watches in horror as they all run away, laughing and cheering about their 'new prize'. A heavy feeling settles over him as pain fills his heart...not physical pain...emotional pain.


Kenna opens her eyes slightly, hissing in pain as she is lazily thrown over Burg's shoulder.

"She's awake," Xi'an laughs as she races beside her. "How we feeling, princess?" Kenna goes for her blaster but feels nothing there. "Oh, looking for this?" She reveals her blaster and hangs it daringly in her face. "I like it, it's mine now. You won't be needing it where you're going," She chuckles, getting closer to her face. "The price on your face is going to give us all a brand new ship," Kenna brings her head down on to Xi'an and she jumps back, holding her head in pain.

"Considering she's broken, she can still put up a fight, I likey," Qin says, laughing as they run through the carrier.


Din paces in his cell, thinking upon ways to escape and save her. That's when a security droid starts stomping by and an idea pops in his head. He grapples the passing droid and reels him in against the cell door and manages to disable it, using its arm to unlock his cell. He smirks as he is free and walks towards the control room, not knowing Zero can see him. With anger forming quickly, he breaks into a sprint, the longer she's with them the longer she is in danger. He pushes back the pain he has received from knowing Mayfeld and Kenna have some history. Once in the control room, he picks up the tracking beacon and shoves it within his armour before turning his attention to the cameras and control panels.


"Zero to Mayfeld,"

"Wait wait wait wait wait," Mayfeld slows to a stop, ordering everyone to do the same.

"Zero to Mayfeld,"


"You have a potential problem. He has escaped," Kenna smiles to herself as Xi'an cries out in frustration.

"I told you we should have ended him!"

"I know, I know, I know!"

"This is your fault!" She hisses.

"You guys are fucked," Kenna laughs, her stomach hurting her which makes her regret even speaking. Mayfeld looks at Kenna and then at Xi'an.

"He's going to be after her,"

"Of course he is!" They start screaming at each other when the lights go out. The red emergency lights turn on and the doors around them start to slam all but one.

"Give her to me," Qin snaps at Burg. "You'll take on the Mando if he arrives and I'll take her back," He nods and throws her at him which he catches and they all run together. One of the security doors locks down separating the team into Qin, Mayfeld and Kenna on one side and Xi'an and Burg on the other. They start to bang on the doors but to no avail. "It's all right! You and the Devaronian, split up. Find Mando and kill him! Then find a way back to the ship!" He says and he and Mayfeld break into a sprint, Qin holsters Kenna onto his shoulders as they zip through the halls. "Do you have a name?"

"Mayfeld," Qin laughs.

"Well, Mr Mayfeld, you're gonna get me the hell off this ship,"

"Hey, wait. What about your sister?"

"What about her?" He grabs one of Mayfeld's blasters and leaves.

"Nice family," Kenna mumbles to herself. Moments later, they come across the droids destroyed earlier by Din and Kenna.

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