The Razor Crest landed on the outskirts of the peaceful village Sorgan. After the showdown on Nevarro, Kenna convinced Din they deserved to have some rest before moving yet again. Of course, they are still being chased by the Imperial forces but a couple of days on the isolated planet Sorgan wouldn't hurt them. Din waited patiently at the top of the ramp for Kenna to finish getting changed, the child by his leg and cooing up at him. One of the reasons Din agreed to come to Sorgan is so he could marry Kenna to make her bound to his clan. She is apart of the Djarin clan, but currently, she isn't bound to it and the wedding would make it official in a way. He heard mumbling from there now permanent shared room which only caused him to laugh and shake his head.
"Come on Skywalker!" He called out. That was also another reason he came to Sorgan. It was to help her rid the name 'Skywalker' she despises so much. Marrying him would change her name to 'Djarin' so she would no longer need to fret about her name being used against her.
"Just...give me a minute!"
"What's taking so long?"
"I don't know what to wear," She mumbles, slightly embarrassed.
"Gar look mesh'la o'r mayen, riduur, You look beautiful in anything, wife," There was a light chuckle from behind the door.
"Din..." She muttered before walking out dressed in a light, white dress. "So?"
"Beautiful as always," He remarked, taking her small hand in his large and picking up the child in his other arm. She smiled and blushed before they walked down the ramp together and among the trees towards the village. "Do you remember the first time we were here?" He asks after some silence.
"How could I forget?" She chuckles, taking in the sights. "You were angry at me for not telling you I was injured," He shakes his head and laughs.
"You have to remember that, don't you?"
"We also took on an AT-ST," She recounts. "And this is where we first met Cara Dune,"
"It is," He tilts his helmet to look at her. "I'll always remember that this was the place I realized I had feelings for you," She beams at that.
"After only knowing me for a few days?" She quizzes.
"I believe it was destiny," Din admits as they reach the common house.
"I've never asked this before...but what brought you to Vordian? And don't say fate,"
"You know me too well riddur," He laughs as they walk inside. "I suppose I was in desperate need of supplies and Vordian was the closest planet,"
"The exact planet you were opposed to a setup..."
"See, destiny. How did anyone know I was going there?" Her face falls but she quickly changes it to a normal smile and shrugs as they sit at a table.
"So, how long are we staying for?"
"I suppose four days will be the maximum, we don't want to risk this planet either and we have to return this one to his kind," He motions to the child who sits in between him and Kenna.
"Yeah..." Kenna says sadly, stroking his ear. "I just...really enjoy being his mother, I don't know if I could ever say good-bye to him," Din watches Kenna and was about to respond but an old woman approached them with a large smile.
"Welcome travellers...wait, are you the Mandalorian and Princess who protected the farm village?" Kenna smiles and nods at her. "Well, I'll be damned, welcome back!" She exclaims. "Is there anything you would like? It's on the house,"

𝕰𝖓𝖊𝖒𝖞 𝕺𝖋 𝕸𝖞 𝕰𝖓𝖊𝖒𝖞· [𝐷𝑖𝑛 𝐷𝑗𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑛 & 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐽𝑒𝑑𝑖]
FanficWhat happens if a Mandalorian falls in love with their sworn enemy? Their sworn enemy being a Jedi. ‡ "Why do you make me feel so vulnerable in times like this?" ‡ "Make a million mistakes! Just stop wasting your energy on making the same mistakes!"...