"They are more than happy to have us as a guest and they forgive you," He says and Kenna nods her head, smiling warmly at their hosts. She hops on the bike behind Din and he speeds off in the direction where more danger awaits.
Kenna gripped onto her riduur tightly as he skillfully drove through the dunes. The warm air became cool and refreshing as the duo sped towards Mos Pelgo. Din slowed the speed and when Kenna looked over his shoulder, she saw they have entered the town. He slowly rolled through the village and noticed the glares from the townsfolk the duo received. The intensity of their stares made Kenna subconsciously tug harder on her face covering to tighten it, ensuring no one would notice her face. People stepped out of their homes to examine the new people with slight disgust on their faces. It was eerily quiet as if they almost knew they were coming. Din slowed to a stop outside of a common house and they both slid off the bike. Kenna picked up her lightsaber while Din got out his jetpack and placed it back on his back. While he was busy, Kenna gently lifted the satchel the child was in and placed it over her shoulder and he cooed gently at her.
"Do you think he has a name?" Kenna broke the silence, stroking the top of the child's head.
"I don't know,"
"I mean, he's 50 years old, surely someone gave him a name,"
"Maybe, can't you use your Jedi voodoo to see if he has one?" Din asked from across the bike and Kenna sighed.
"I can't, it hurts too much now. I only use it for emergencies, and anyways, he's a foundling, he probably doesn't have a name,"
"It's Yoda," Anakin says casually as he leans against the common house behind her. "And you can't use your abilities because you're training with the force, it hurts because it doesn't want you to use up all of your energy," Anakin walks over to Kenna who is doing her best to ignore him. "You are bigger than your body, darling..." He paused. "Be careful with using your powers, otherwise this body...will be destroyed," Kenna froze and cocked her head to make eye contact with her father. "That's why it's a good thing I'm training you,"
"How reassuring," She spits as she follows Din inside the common house. Anakin scoffs, kicks at the sand, before following the others inside. The common house is empty apart from the single Weequay tending at the counter. He glares at the duo while drying out a cup and Kenna places the child down on the floor once sensing his urge to stretch his legs. She stands up and examines the empty common house. "Busy day, huh?" She attempts to joke but he doesn't take the joke lightly.
"Can I help you?" He says in a dark, menacing tone. Din protectively steps in front of Kenna before placing his hands on the counter to then respond calmly.
"I'm looking for a Mandalorian,"
"Well, we don't get many visitors in these parts,"
"I can tell," She mumbles and Anakin laughs from where he sits on the counter beside Din.
"Can you describe him?" The Weequay asks. There is a long pause at the alien's dumb question.
"This man is an idiot, I say kill him and move on," Anakin suggests.
"Someone who looks like me," Din responds in a matter-of-factly tone. The alien examines him.
"Mmm...you mean the Marshal?"
"Huh?" Anakin and Kenna say together.
"Your Marshal wears Mandalorian armour?" Din responds in slight disgust.

𝕰𝖓𝖊𝖒𝖞 𝕺𝖋 𝕸𝖞 𝕰𝖓𝖊𝖒𝖞· [𝐷𝑖𝑛 𝐷𝑗𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑛 & 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐽𝑒𝑑𝑖]
FanfictionWhat happens if a Mandalorian falls in love with their sworn enemy? Their sworn enemy being a Jedi. ‡ "Why do you make me feel so vulnerable in times like this?" ‡ "Make a million mistakes! Just stop wasting your energy on making the same mistakes!"...