chapter 2

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The moment you got sorted into slytherin you knew you didn't belong in it. No one in your house liked you, and you often found yourself being made fun of.

You looked over to the wall and saw that you had 30 minutes left of breakfast. You quickly got ready and scrambled to the great hall. You looked around for a seat next to the golden trio but they could not be found. You made your way over to your own house table and dreaded having to speak to anyone from your own house.

"Oh look who it is.. your not welcome here blood traitor." spat a cold voice.

"There's no where else to sit Malfoy, I can sit with my own house if I want to." you replied.

You sat a few seats away from Draco and his friends and you could feel their stares burning into your back.You finished your food as quickly as possible and went to your next class.

You were making your way to Potions when you spotted Harry and Ron.

"Hey guys!" you shouted after them.

"Oh hey y/n, didn't see you at breakfast today." said Ron as you entered Potions class.

Before you could say anything you were interrupted by Professor Snape.

"Be quiet and sit down immediately."

"Today we are going to be working in assigned pairs."


"Granger and Weasley... Zabini and Parkinson
and Malfoy with... Abrams."

"Sir could i please have another partner!" you pleaded.

"My descision is final." the Professor replied.

You made your way to the desk where Malfoy was sitting and saw him leant back in his chair and his feet on the table.

"Are you going to help me or what?" you complained to Malfoy.

"No." he said as a smirked crawled onto his lips.

"Whatever. You'd mess up the Potion anyway!"

"Watch who your talking to Abrams." he replied.

You rolled your eyes and continued with the potion.


"Hey over here!" exclaimed Hermione from the Gryffindor table.
You sat between Harry and Hermione and ate dinner with your friends.

"y/n don't make it obvious, but look behind you." whispered Harry.

You cautiously turned around and met the eyes of Draco Malfoy. His cold , grey eyes staring into yours for a few seconds before he smirked and looked away.

You turned back to your friends and shrugged.

"We're going back to the common room, see you tomorrow y/n" smiled Hermione.

You said goodbye and made your way to the dungeons.

"Watch where your going!" scolded Pansy as she bumped into you.

" You're the one who bumped into me!" you replied.

"Whatever. By the way, Draco is mine so don't even try it!"

"Are you serious? I hate him! You can have him all to yourself."

You barged past her and into the common room. You collapsed into the sofa after a long day.

You took out a book and began working on an assignment.


"What are you doing here so late?" asked a voice behind you.

You looked up and saw Draco Malfoy walk towards you and sit down on the sofa.

"What time is it?" you asked, ignoring his question.

"It's almost midnight." he chuckled.

You awkwardly stared at his tired eyes and for a moment he seemed almost... nice.

"Draco.. why do you hate me so much?"you asked cautiously.

He hesitated for a moment but then he answered coldly.

"I don't need a reason. Your existence is a good enough reason." he smirked.

You scoffed and stood up but hisvoice called after you.

"And you're just a filthy blood traitor."

Tears pricked the back of your eyes. Why am i reacting like this? I never care about what Malfoy says, you thought.

You crash into your bed and fall alseep.

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