chapter 8

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It was the first day back after the Christmas holidays. What an awful past 2 weeks it was.

You said goodbye to your parents and boarded the train. You tried to find an empty compartment, you didn't want to talk to anyone yet.

You found one and sat down. You reached into your bag and started reading a book. You hoped that this would occupy you for as long as possible.

"I've been looking for you." barked Pansy.

"Hello to you too Parkinson." you smiled, trying to keep your cool.

"Um...Hello. I'm actually here because, because i- , i-," she said as she sat down opposite you.

"Well? spit it out." you said, loosing your patience.

"I want to apologise. For making fun of you and ,"


"Yeah, the last few days of the Christmas holidays made me realise that i- ... treated you badly." she continued looking down at her nails.

You stared blankly at her for a moment before saying,

"It's okay."

"Really?" Pansy stated.


She embraced you in a bone crushing hug. She stepped back and breathed,

"Thankyou. See you around."

Why was she suddenly acting differently?


You made your way to the first class of the day, Potions.

You entered the class and tried to find a seat. You soon realised that the only empty seat was next to Malfoy. You sighed loudly and sat in your chair.

"If it isn't y/n." sneered Malfoy in his usual tone.

"Leave me alone."

"Did you know, a Dementor attacked y/n at my house," Draco turned to his friend Blaise.

"She had to stay overnight and she totally tried to make a move on me." he smirked.

"That's not true." you stated.

Malfoy and Blaise laughed.

"I would never like someone like you,you whore." he spat.

"Cmon Draco, that's enough." interrupted Pansy.

"Parkinson, why are you defending her?" Draco scoffed.

"She's done nothing to you, now leave it." she replied.

Malfoy rolled his eyes.

"Now now, Parkinson, you wouldn't want anyone to know your secret now, would you?" he sneered cruelly.

Pansy nodded in defeat.


"What was he talking about?" you asked Pansy after class.

"Nothing! Leave me alone will you! I'm not your friend!" she spat.

You stepped back.

"What? But-,"

"I take back my apology. You don't deserve it." Parkinson said.

You turned away and rushed to your next lesson. What was up with her? You had to find out.


"Hey y/n, how was your Christmas?" Hermione said as she sat down between you and Harry. Shortly after, Ron rushed into the class and sat next to Harry.

"Eventful. Why didn't any of you write?" you replied.

"I'm really sorry about that." Hermione looked down.

"Yeah me too." said Harry.

"I'm sorry too." smiled Ron.

"It's okay guys. I understand if you were busy."

"I heard you went to the Malfoy Christmas ball." teased Harry.

"Yeah, I did actually, it was pretty horrible." you laughed.

"Tell us about it." said Hermione, reassuringly.

So you did. You told them everything that happened. Apart from what happened with Malfoy.

"That little pug faced b-," Hermione said.

"I know." you interrupted.

"That's crazy. I'm so sorry you had to stay at The Malfoy manor overnight." laughed Ron.

"You said Pansy has a secret. Do you know it?"
asked Harry.

You shook your head.


"Party tonight at 10pm in the Slytherin common room!" Shouted Blaise to the other Slytherins in your year at dinner.

"You should come, y/n, you're always so tense you know," he turned to you.

You scoffed.

"Oh and no plus ones from other houses!" smirked Blaise.

You shrugged and continued to your next lesson.

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