Unwanted Protection

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Coruscant: 20 BBY
Senate Building
Commander Fox

Fox stifled a bored sigh and continued to listen. He had been summoned by Chancellor Palpatine earlier that day, and then learned that the Chancellor would be in a Senate session for quite some time. With nothing to do but wait, Fox had decided to sit in.

"I forgot how boring these sessions are," his brother, Clay, groaned. Clay tugged off his helmet, letting his dyed gray hair fall loose.

"It'll be over soon enough," Fox replied.

"You said that two hours ago."

Fox shrugged and continued to watch. Another Senate chair drifted away from the wall, joining the Naboo chair and the Trade Federation chair. He narrowed his eyes, trying to see which senator it was.

"Pantora," Clay said. "That's Senator Chuchi."

"Isn't she the one who was almost assassinated recently?"

"Yeah, General Kirsi had to handle the situation."

    "I support Senator Amidala," Senator Chuchi was saying. "We need a commitee who is not loyal to the Trade Federation. The investigations must be handled by a neutral party. The members selected by the Chancellor's Committee are not qualified to handle this affair."

    "Senators, I understand this must be personal for you, but the committee has been chosen," Mas Amedda replied.

    "I move to put the committee to a vote," Senator Amidala called. "Let the Senate decide if it's qualified or not."

    "The motion is on the floor. Is there a second?"

    "I second the motion!" Senator Orn Free Taa shouted.

    "Then let us vote."

    All was silent in the vast chamber for several minutes as the senators cast in their votes. Fox pulled off his helmet and stroked his chin, thinking. "They aren't going to change the investigators," he said at last. "I don't think any of them really care. They see this as another boring aspect of being a senator." Clay nodded his agreement.

    "The committee shall remain, as is!" Chancellor Palpatine announced. Fox spotted Senator Chuchi and Senator Amidala glancing at each other, disappointedly. "This session is adjourned." The Senator's seats drifted back towards the wall.

    "Come on." Fox replaced his helmet and ducked into the crimson lined hallways. Clay followed close behind him. The Chancellor's guards let them in without question, once they reached his office.

    "Ah, Commander Fox, you are punctual," Chancellor Palpatine noted. "Come. I have an assignment for you."

    Fox and Clay stopped before the Chancellor's desk and folded their hands behind their backs. "What can I do for you, Chancellor?" Fox asked.

    "You've no doubt heard of the assassination attempts on Senator Chuchi. She is still concerned that the true culprits have not been caught. I've tried my best to reassure her, but I'm afraid that she's losing faith in my abilities. I want to show her that her safety is a priority to me," the Chancellor explained. "Until the investigation of the Trade Federation is complete, I am placing Senator Chuchi under your protection."

    Fox stiffened slightly. He'd never protected a senator on his own before. That was Commander Thorn's specialty. "Does Senator Chuchi know about these arrangements?"

    The Chancellor shook his head. "No, she does not. She is on her way here, though, and I will tell her."

    "Why isn't Commander Thorn handling this?" Clay interrupted. "He's usually in charge of protection."

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