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Coruscant: 19 BBY
Republic Military Base
Commander Fox

    The shuttle touched down on a landing pad. Several clones were waiting outside, along with Chancellor Palpatine and Mas Amedda. Fox opened up the boarding ramp and jumped out. Baize helped Clay out and sealed the ramp behind them.

    "You two go see a medic. I'll explain everything to the Chancellor," Fox whispered.

    Baize nodded. Clay simply grimaced, still clutching his injured side. A few of the troopers moved closer and led them away. Fox approached Chancellor Palpatine. The Chancellor didn't look happy.

    "I trust you'll have a sufficient explanation for me? Come on." He whirled away and headed inside the base. The three of them entered a small room and the door hissed shut. Chancellor Palpatine sat down on the only chair in the room. Mas Amedda took his place behind him. Chancellor Palpatine motioned for Fox to speak.

    "Our ship was intercepted before we reached Kamino. Separatist Admiral Yur Loke had positioned his fleet directly in our hyperspace lane. We had to drop out or we would've been killed. Buzz droids disabled our engines and the hyperdrive before we could get away from them and they captured us," Fox explained. "We tried to hold off the droids while Baize worked on the ship, but more buzz droids shut down all the power we had left. We were forced to abandon the shuttle and steal one of theirs. Sib Canay and Far Modem escaped while we were trying to reach the shuttle."

    "So they are safely in the hands of the Separatists, then?"

    "No, Sir. Yur Loke executed them both."

    Chancellor Palpatine raised his eyebrows. "That is unexpected. Nonetheless, you did not succeed in this mission. You lost two valuable prisoners and one of your fellow clones died." Fox lowered his head as the Chancellor continued. "I gave you this assignment because I trusted that you could see it through. Clearly, I was mistaken. This concerns me, Commander. With the threat that the Jedi pose, I need able men leading the Coruscant Guard and the other clones throughout the galaxy. I need to know I can trust you to complete whatever assignment you're given. I've been utterly disappointed thus far."

    "I don't know what to tell you, Sir. I did the best I could. We all did. In the end, I had to make a call. My brothers or two prisoners."

    "The mission always comes first. There are always casualties in war. We must learn to accept it."

    Fox gritted his teeth. Every clone knows that, but we also know to take care of our own.

    "I suppose nothing can be done about the situation now. However, I expect better results from you in the future, Commander. You may go." Chancellor Palpatine folded his hands together.

    Fox watched him a moment longer, before ducking out of the room. He quickly made his way to the medical center. Fox removed his helmet and glanced around. Baize was nowhere to be seen. Clay stepped out of one of the exam rooms, looking much better.

    "Baize is already heading to the barracks," Clay said, noticing his observant gaze. "I'm not supposed to do any heavy lifting for a week. Otherwise, they said I'll be fine."

    "That's good to hear." They left the medical center and started towards a landing pad. Fox found a speeder. They jumped in and flew away from the base.

    "What did the Chancellor say?" Clay asked.

    "He wasn't very impressed," Fox sighed. "He made that very clear."

    "But he didn't say anything of great importance?"

    "He insinuated that I'd be demoted if I continue to displease him."

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