Traitors In Our Midst

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(Surprise! I updated sooner than I said I would. I was bored and decided I might as well finish up this arc so I can move onto the next!)

Dialogue and scenes from Star Wars The Clone Wars: Season 5 Episode 20 was used.

Coruscant: 19 BBY
Republic Military Court
Riyo Chuchi

The trial was early the next morning. Riyo made her way to the court, accompanied by a few other senators. She took her seat in a viewing area. Senator Organa and Senator Mon Mothma sat to her right. Already, guards were positioned on the catwalks that lined the empty room.

A door hissed open and members of the Coruscant Guard escorted Ahsoka Tano into the center of the room. Riyo watched Ahsoka worriedly. The young padawan didn't seem afraid, although her expression showed her confusion and hurt. They reached a circular platform and came to a halt. Ahsoka squared her shoulders and lifted her chin proudly. The corners of Riyo's mouth twitched up.

Riyo glanced around the rest of the room. Towards the top, in another viewing area, several Jedi Masters were watching. She narrowed her eyes at them. They out of all people should know Ahsoka wouldn't do this.

Mas Amedda pounded his staff against the floor, calling the room to order. Ahsoka's platform drifted farther into the room and the guards stepped away. Padmé joined Ahsoka shortly, giving her a small smile. On the opposite side of the room, Admiral Tarkin appeared.

"Ahsoka Tano," Chancellor Palpatine's voice echoed through the cold room, "you have been charged with sedition against the Jedi Order and the Republic itself. This court will decide your fate. Prosecution, you may begin your arguments."

"Former Padawan Tano, I shall prove that you were the mastermind behind the attack on the Jedi Temple and that once your accomplices carried out your orders, you eliminated them one by one. When you are found guilty, I ask the court that the full extent of the law be brought down upon you, including penalty of death." Admiral Tarkin spoke as though she had already been found guilty.

Riyo raised her eyebrows and gritted her teeth. She's a child! I know Fox thought Tarkin would do this, but... she shook her head. The court must see she's innocent.

Mon Mothma leaned towards her. "Don't make up your mind too hastily, Senator Chuchi. I see your thoughts turning. We must be unbiased and listen to the proof Admiral Tarkin has," she whispered.

"He has no proof," Riyo countered. "He merely has speculations and theories that he's tied to certain events."

"There's security footage of her killing Letta Turmond."

"There's no sound. Ahsoka claims she was trying to help."

"Hm." Senator Mon Mothma sat back and folded her hands. "I suppose we'll see."

Riyo swallowed. If Senator Mon Mothma already doesn't believe in her innocence, what chance does she have? She scanned the rows of guards, searching for Fox. There was no sign of him. She spotted one guard who might've been Clay, but she wasn't certain. She pulled her focus back to the trial. It seemed that she'd missed a few things, but not many.

"Look at the facts," Padmé urged. "Letta Turmond called Ahsoka to her cell to reveal the name of the true mastermind behind the bombing of the Jedi Temple. Letta told Ahsoka she was afraid. She told her the mastermind was a Jedi and before she could reveal the Jedi's name, Letta Turmond was strangled to death by way of the Force. Why would Ahsoka kill Letta with a method that would so obviously tie the murder to her? A Jedi may be responsible for the murder but that Jedi is not Ahsoka Tano. Members of the court, you are prosecuting the wrong Jedi."

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