Coruscant: 19 BBY
Republic Military Prison
Riyo ChuchiCaptain Tere landed the speeder and glanced back at her. "Senator, why did you need to come here again?"
"I need to speak with one of the clones on duty here," Riyo replied.
"Right, but why?" He raised an eyebrow.
"I...uh...I want to know what happened regarding the ARC trooper. Senator Amidala and I want to learn about it from someone who witnessed the events. We plan to ask the Senate to take precautions against a recreation of this event."
"You're certain this clone was there?"
"Yes, Captain. You can wait here." Riyo jumped out of the speeder and crossed the catwalk. Two guards approached her before she could enter the building. "I'm Senator Chuchi here on official business," she said. "I need to speak with the trooper Clay, if possible."
"This way, Senator." One of them started walking towards the prison. She fell in step behind him and the second guard took up a position behind her.
They entered the prison and headed towards a command center. Riyo looked around curiously. There were no cells in the hallway they went down but she could see into a mess hall and a kitchen. They reached the command center shortly. Riyo waited while one of her escorts located Clay.
The two guards returned to their posts as soon as Clay arrived. Riyo followed him into a side room and let the door shut. Clay pulled his helmet off and ran a hand through his hair. "There's no cameras or bugs in here, so you can talk freely. How can I help you, Senator?"
Riyo drew in a steadying breath before replying. "I have to tell Fox something but I'm not sure how. I thought you might have some tips on that?"
"Is it something that he'll get mad about?"
"I hope not. I don't really know how he'll react."
Clay raised an eyebrow. "That's not a lot to go on. In my experience, it's best to tell him things straight up."
"All right." She turned to go, then paused. "Actually, do you know where he is? I haven't seen him in two days, ever since the whole incident happened."
Clay let out a sigh. "I'm not sure where he's been. He hasn't talked to me either. I think the whole thing really got to him. He was the one who killed Fives."
"Do you know where he usually is around this time?"
"Making his rounds at the Senate Building. He should be there another hour or so."
"Thank you," Riyo gave him a smile, then turned away again.
"Wait. Do you mind me asking what's going on?" Clay asked.
She bit her lip, then nodded. "You can't tell anyone."
"I won't."
"I'm pregnant. I found out when I got home from Mon Cala, but I haven't been able to tell him yet. I'm worried he'll be...upset. You saw how he reacted to Jairo and Mairin."
Clay's eyes widened in shock and she saw his gaze drop to her stomach for a second. She knew it wasn't visible, at least, not in these clothes. As soon as she'd told Mairin, Mair had dug up some of her own clothes that fit looser. Riyo had started wearing them in the past two days.
"You are?" He asked in disbelief.
Riyo nodded. "Tilieu says I'm 20 weeks along. Almost five months already."
Senator and Soldier
FanfictionSenator Riyo Chuchi is beginning to lose her faith in the Republic. After being the target of several assassination attempts, she finds herself placed under the protection of Commander Fox and the Coruscant Guard. Riyo has many suspicions about the...